ch6: An Invitation

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    Willow awoke the following morning to an empty bed. She had fallen asleep the night before in the all-too-familiar embrace of Dean, but she now lay alone in a bed that felt too big. She wasn't expecting to be by herself when she woke up this morning, so her mind was racing with the events of last night.

As she rubbed her temples in an attempt to subside her oncoming headache, she wondered if she had really been that terrible in bed. Willow didn't have extremely clear memories from the night before, but they were enough for her to piece together what had led her to where she was now.

She remembered Dean using a lot of lame excuses in an attempt to "win her back," which was ridiculous because she was never his to begin with, she remembered asking him to go home with her, and then she remembered her hands tied together and Dean fucking her just like they used to. As of right now, she had very little remorse for her actions.

Her only regret was that the sex was bad enough to drive Dean out of her apartment early. It wasn't that she was hoping he would stay with her forever, she had made that very clear last night, but she thought they could at least catch up for a few sober moments. Although he had broken her heart, Dean was still one of her best friends for the greater part of her time at Hogwarts.

She sighed as she attempted to run her fingers through her hair, however, several large tangles stopped her success. Because of this, Willow began to gather some clean clothes. After throwing the first items she found on her bed, she made her way into the bathroom where she took her time in a hot shower to help cure her rapidly increasing hangover.

After ending her shower and throwing on the clothes she had laid out, she pushed open her bedroom door. Before she even had a chance to look up, she was immediately greeted by Juliet, who was sitting at the kitchen island.

"Good morning, beautiful woman! How was the fuck?" she said in between bites of whatever was in her bowl.

As Willow reached into the fridge for some water, she asked, "What're you eating?"

Juliet tilted the bowl to show the contents as she said, "Sticky rice, a fried egg, and some kimchi my dad sent me in a care package this morning. I moved out a week ago, and my parents think I'm dying. It's their third one this week, and we don't have much room left in the fridge."

Willow's eyes widened, "Did your mum send you her jam tarts?"

Juliet pointed at a tin on the counter as Willow excitedly opened it to find several small, jam-filled pastries sitting inside. After stuffing two into her mouth and grabbing a third and fourth, she turned back to face Juliet.

"Your mum's gotta give me this recipe one day, Jules," she said, cramming another tart into her mouth.

Juliet watched in distaste before picking the chopsticks next to her bowl back up to continue eating her breakfast. As the two ate in silence for a few moments, Willow made her way to their green couch before flipping on the television to the morning muggle news.

She heard Juliet place her bowl into their sink before the padding of her bare feet on the wooden floor moved towards the couch opposite her.

"Do we have to watch this shit? I don't care what the muggles are up to," Juliet said as she fell onto the couch.

Willow gave her a look, "We're both half-muggle. You deserve to give them at least half your attention."

"Well, I'm actually a lot more interested in last night's news," she said, sitting up. "I let the ignoring of my question slide earlier, but now there's no escape."

Willow groaned before pressing the mute button on the TV remote. She slowly turned her body to face her roommate.

"Why don't you tell me what happened with you first? I'm sure yours is far more interesting."

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