ch3: Crazyberries

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   As Willow walked up the steps to her apartment, she couldn't stop thinking about the interaction that had just occurred moments before. She wondered if she was the only one still thinking about it as she walked into her living room.

Fred and George were much more attractive now than she remembered them being at Hogwarts. The way that Fred had kept his hair long to frame his cheekbones, while George cut it short and choppy, made her heart flutter more than she'd ever admit. They had also both acquired a lot more muscle mass than she remembered, their arms filled the tailored suits they both wore perfectly.

But what distracted Willow the most was how compelled she was by the way George spoke to her. It had only been a few words, but each one had made her feel like she was a schoolgirl. She hadn't felt this way about anyone ever.

But she barely knew the man and he barely knew her. So she pushed it off as nothing more than a passing fancy as she busied herself getting ready for bed.


The next morning Willow was awoken by sunlight pooling into her bedroom from the window to her left. She glanced at the wall clock, which was propped up on an unopened moving box, that read 8:37. She sighed as she lay back onto her bare mattress, contemplating getting up.

Willow had moved in four days ago and had yet to make even a tiny dent in the moving boxes that covered her entire place. Her family had made an effort to help her begin the process but had quickly given up when Willow kept abandoning her chores to order them around.

The flat was on the smaller side but she had an exact vision for what it was going to look like. Since she had nothing in particular to do today, she was hoping to finally make her dream apartment come true.

Finally sitting up, she pushed off the throw blanket she'd grabbed from her living room box last night. Willow twisted her body to wake up her joints and encourage them to start moving. Once every bit of her body had cracked, she finally stood up to make her way towards the kitchen.

Her entire place still looked unfinished, but she loved the way the dark green sofa didn't match the lightly colored wood flooring and the way the huge window next to the kitchen allowed for the entire place to be dosed in natural light.

It was a very open floor plan. The only ways to get in were through the Floo Network or the staircase that led down to the back of the bakery. Her bedroom door led almost directly into her kitchen where she decided to eat another one of her dad's muggle granola bars.

As she munched, she leaned her body onto the small island dividing the kitchen from the rest of her place as she surveyed the boxes in her living room. Willow's brothers had already set the couch in front of her fireplace and since it was too heavy to lift alone, that was where it would stay until her roommate moved in.

Using magic was also an option, but it was probably her father's influence that made her forget. The idea of her neighbors helping quietly floated into her mind, but she pushed the thought away as soon as it started. It was too much, too soon.

She finished the rest of her bar and tossed the wrapper into the nearby trashcan before making her way back into her bedroom and into the bathroom that connected her bedroom to the other.

Once she started the water in the shower, she took a moment to rifle through one of the boxes labeled "willie dildos" in Mitchell's handwriting to find something to wear. After settling on one of Leo's old muggle sports shirts and a pair of dark grey joggers, an outfit almost identical to the one she was already wearing, she threw it onto her mattress and wandered back into the bathroom.

She took her time in the shower as she thought over how she wanted to rearrange her room. But as she was thinking about which rug should go in her room and which one could go in the living room, she couldn't help but find her mind wandering elsewhere.

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