ch12: Wishful Thinking

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I'M SORRY HE DID WHAT? I don't ever want to hear you say some shit about how you don't think George likes you ever again. Angie & I are literally in shock right now. She says she didn't know George had it in him. Willow, I beg you to go fuck that man RIGHT NOW. God, Willie, I don't even know how to act about this.

But, okay, I miss you. Angie says hi. I'll be home, like, Wednesday of next week. Okay, bye. Love you. Bye.


Willow nearly choked from laughter on the toast she was eating as she read over Juliet's letter. A few hours had passed since this morning when George's owl woke her up. She still had not written him back, instead choosing to write to Juliet and Angelina for advice. However, it didn't seem like she got any based on the response.

George's letter had sent her head into such a spin this morning, that it was taking her hours to come up with the perfect response. She read over Juliet's letter one more time in an attempt to muster the courage she needed to write the perfect balance of professionalism and flirtiness in her response.

Then she placed Juliet's letter to the side and picked up her quill. After dipping it in the inkpot, she wrote:

Dear George,

Next week sounds perfect. How about you both come over Tuesday around 8:30? I'll even make dinner.


(your neighbor)

p.s. How'd you know I would enjoy the show? I hope there's an act two soon.

Willow began to chew on her nail as she read over her response. She was interested in George, and she did truly enjoy his 'show' last night. Just as Angelina had said, Willow didn't even know he had it in him.

But what if she was being too forward? Well, George had touched himself in front of her, maybe there was no such thing as 'too forward' with him.

Willow cracked her knuckles before deciding, for once in her life, to stop overthinking it and send the damn letter. There was no use in toying over whether or not it would be received well. He had made the first move, and Willow was ready to meet him in the middle.

She sealed the letter shut, shoved the rest of her buttered toast into her mouth, and dumped the plate in the sink. Then she grabbed a quill to write a short response to Juliet explaining that she was to see the twins next week and filled her in on what she had written back to George.

After reaching down to scratch Bartholomew's chin, she rushed to the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and pulled on a bra and some socks. Willow slipped her feet into the pair of clogs by her bedroom door and walked out to grab the two letters on her kitchen counter.

She tossed a salmon treat to the cat before pulling on the first jacket she saw on the coat rack and speeding down the stairs. Willow didn't have all the time in the world today since she had an appointment at a sign-making company in Hogsmeade later in the week and she did not have a design to give them yet.

After pushing open the front door and locking it behind her, she couldn't help but pause to watch the Weasley's shop. Once more, she found herself searching the window for a sign of George, but her eyes were only met with floppy ginger hair and not her preferred short and choppy.

She sighed for a moment before stuffing her hands into the deep pockets of her jacket. It was the end of October and England was becoming chillier each day.

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