ch14: Boundaries

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a/n: pictured above is my take on the sign outside the bakery! I got bored & wanted to try to make what I had envisioned, so don't clown me >:(


    The afternoon after dinner with her family, Willow stared at herself in the mirror. She was turning to look at her body in the short-sleeved sweater dress she had just purchased. Her father had convinced her to Apparate home last night, citing that it was the only trustworthy bit of magic she had and much safer than a train, so she was able to get more sleep last night than she thought she would.

This meant that she was awake early this morning. So Willow had grabbed the coupon from yesterday's mail to venture into the city. She had gotten the dark purple dress on sale, but she was now struggling to convince herself that it wasn't too tight on her hips.

After fidgeting for a few more moments, Willow decided to pull on a pair of sheer black tights in an attempt to smooth her body under the dress. Once she was pleased with her reflection, she put on a pair of gold studs and slipped her feet into her pair of platform Mary Jane's.

After taking one last glance in her mirror, she grabbed her bag and made her way out to the living area. As soon as she exited her room, she stopped in her tracks as she saw Juliet and Angelina canoodling by the doorway.

The two of them quickly broke apart at the appearance of Willow, unable to look at each other, let alone her. Willow laughed before speaking up.

"You both do realize I had to deal with this for three years at Hogwarts anyway," she reassured. "I'm happy for the two of you."

Juliet blushed a deep red as Angelina responded, "Uh, well, anyway. I think it's time to meet the boys."

Willow laughed as both of them gathered their things before making their way downstairs and out the front door. She paused on the front steps to breathe in the November air, before making her way towards the restaurant Angelina had picked out.

It was only a short journey to the quaint Mexican place they were meeting Lee, Fred, and George at. Willow walked a few steps behind Juliet and Angelina the entire time, allowing them to have their last few moments together before Angelina leaves town. She couldn't contain the smile on her face as she watched their pinkies intertwine while they walked.

As they strolled up to the beige building, mariachi music could be heard pouring out of the wide-open windows lining the London streets. The three girls made their way inside and past the hostess once she had pointed out the half-empty table for six in the corner of the restaurant.

As they weaved their bodies through the tables and people, Lee began to wildly wave at the trio. And by the time they had made their way to the group, George had stood up at the sight of Willow.

The two stared at each other for a brief moment before Juliet had shoved Willow towards her chair, and Fred had yanked his brother back to his spot. Lee rolled his eyes at the both of them before Willow took the seat opposite his at the head of the table. She settled into the hard plastic chair as she glanced over to a blushing George on her right.

Now that their entire group was there, a waitress soon came by to take their drink orders and then food shortly after. So once the menus were cleared and everyone had a soda or glass of water, the conversation started.

"So, Willow," Lee began, grabbing the attention of the table. "Heard you've been working very closely with my boys lately. of my boys at least."

"Shut up, Lee," George answered. "She's going to bring more business to the store than you ever have, and you're just jealous."

Lee's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to cause a scene, but Fred quickly cut him off. "How's Fredric, Juliet?" he questioned.

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