ch13: Familiar Farmlands

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a/n: i've said it a million times & i'll say it a million more, i am forever thankful for all the support you guys give me. i always thought this story would only ever be seen by friends, so gaining over 5k reads is wild. so thank you x1,000,000! but ok anyway, enjoy chapter 13 :P


Willow never doubted that Angelina and Juliet were meant to be. No matter how many times Juliet had come crying to her over a breakup, there was always a feeling in her body that told her it wouldn't last. And it seems like she was exactly right.

Her day had ended yesterday with a goodbye to the twins and a night of good sleep decorated with images of red hair. But she was awoken this morning by her roommate finally returning from Angelina's house.

Just like a few weeks ago, Juliet had busted into a sleeping Willow's room. She had thrown on the lights then plopped into the armchair in the corner before diving into everything she needed to say.

Willow and Bartholomew now sat on her bed, eyes half-open, as Juliet described, often in too much detail, exactly how her week had gone. Willow learned about the late nights they spent talking over everything in life that had lead them to where they are now.

She learned about Angelina's new job as an Assitant Coach for the Kenmare Kestrels and how it allowed her to be able to travel more, so maybe things between Juliet and her may work out this time. She learned about Angelina's father, about his health, and how he was doing better some days but worse the next. And she learned about the "adorable" way that Angelina's eyes still scrunched up when she smiled.

Juliet seemed to be falling in love with Angelina more today than she had during their three-year on-again-off-again relationship at Hogwarts. And Willow, truly, could not be happier for her. She knew that, deep down, the two of them would always find their way back to each other.

The duo had ended their time at Hogwarts broken up, thinking that they both had their differing ambitions so it was never going to work out in the real world. But now that the two of them were much more settled in their post-Hogwarts life, they wanted to give it another go.

This also wasn't the last that the girls would see of Angelina this week. While she had the last two weeks off, Quidditch season was supposed to start next week, so she had to travel back to Ireland to help prepare. Her last day in London was on Sunday, and she was choosing to spend it with Willow, Juliet, Lee, Fred, and George. The group was set to have lunch on Sunday, the day after Willow was to see her family.

She was happy as she watched Juliet talk about living with Angelina the last while, however, Willow picked up on the fact that they had not officially gotten back together as Juliet carefully danced around using the word "girlfriend" when retelling her stories. And Willow wasn't one to pry too much when she could tell that Juliet didn't want to talk about something, so she let her be.

But Juliet was the opposite. It was obvious by the way that the moment her story was over, the next words out of her mouth were, "So, have you fucked George yet? Angelina and I have a bet about how long it's going to take."

"Jules, oh my, Merlin," Willow responded.

"What? It is a totally valid question."

Willow sighed as she laid back on her bed. "Is it really?"

Juliet slipped her shoes off before standing up to climb into the bed with the other two. She grabbed Bartholomew, who snuggled back into his mother's arms, before leaning on the wall and looking to Willow.

"Answer my question," she insisted.

Willow sat up and scooted her back to the headboard before responding, "No, of course, we haven't had sex yet."

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