ch25: Apologies in Order

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    Willow stumbled on her feet for a moment as her body readjusted from the short Apparition trip she'd just taken. Her hand gripped the side of the building she'd landed next to as she waited for her stomach to stop churning. As she took a few deep breaths she realized that taking a birth control potion right before you Apparate was not the best idea.

She had landed in central London, on a side street so that no Muggles would notice her. Willow had spent the last hour at a doctor's appointment at St. Mungos a few miles away. It was an appointment that she didn't even feel like she needed to go to anymore since she was scared she had ended her relationship with George permanently. However, the hospital had a "no day-of cancellations" policy, so ultimately she was forced to go.

With the sudden addition of George in her life, she had felt it necessary to finally start the monthly birth control potion most witches her age were on. It would make everything in her life a lot easier, and she wouldn't be forced to go to the sketchy sex shop every time they saw each other. But as she buttoned up her long coat against the December air—she couldn't stop reminding herself that George probably hated her now.

As she began her walk toward the early afternoon crowded streets, Willow felt her stomach grumble underneath all her layers. She was on her way to meet Mitchell and Taylor at one of their favorite French spots in the city. Willow's stomach continued to cry out in hunger as she realized that she hadn't eaten anything since lunch yesterday.

She was too busy sulking and criticizing herself for the remainder of her night last night to eat dinner and had woken up too flustered and late for her appointment to eat breakfast. And it was clear by the pains in her gut that it was finally catching up to her.

The majority of her time since she'd brushed off George had been spent analyzing every agonizing detail of both of the fights she'd had yesterday. The secondary feeling that was quickly rising to the front of her gut was guilt. That was all she could seem to feel the more she thought about her conversations with George and Juliet.

Luckily, she had received a letter late into the night from Juliet. It merely stated that she was safe and that she would be back by Sunday night. While it did very little to calm her nerves about the situation—it was reassuring that Juliet felt the need to make sure Willow knew she was safe. There was still a terrifying feeling in the back of her mind that when Juliet came back on Sunday it would be to announce she was moving out and cutting Willow out of her life forever.

She knew that this feeling was most likely all in her head, but it didn't stop the worrisome thoughts that floated through her headspace every so often. But, unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about it until Juliet—hopefully—came back on Sunday.

And that left George for her to stress over. Willow was stricken with nerves from the moment her last words to George had left her mouth. She hated herself for letting such a stupid thing get her so upset, but she also hated herself for bringing her Nana into the conversation. It was a topic she loathed to talk about, and she didn't want George to see her as weak or think she was trying to buy sympathy out of him.

All in all, one thing was for sure. Willow had no one to blame but herself for everything that had gone wrong yesterday. And as much as she was looking forward to a delicious French lunch inside the grey building that loomed before her, her mind stayed trained on how the hell she was going to fix everything.

"Bonjour! Welcome to Chez Casimir!" a brightly smiling hostess chirped as Willow pulled open the heavy wooden doors. "How many?"

"Uh—" Willow glanced around the small space before her eyes landed on a table for five in the back corner. She pointed toward her family. "I'm meeting them actually."

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