ch20: Hot Cocoa and a Water

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As light poured into her dimly-lit bedroom, Willow cracked open an eye to find her curtains were left partially open. She let out a long groan as she clamped her eyes shut before she was blinded by the harsh sunlight seeping into the room. After she flipped her body over to face the wall, she grabbed her extra pillow to shield her face further.

The darkness soon overcame her—but the longer she laid awake, the longer her body had to start hurting. A headache and a pit in her stomach were quickly overtaking any tiredness she'd once had in her body.

Switching to her back, she grabbed for her wand—which she normally left on the bedside table—so she could shut the curtains without needing to get up. However, as her hand wandered around every part of the table, her wand was nowhere to be found.

This meant she then had the throw the pillow off her face and walk blindly to the window where she forced the curtains shut. As she turned to walk back to the bed calling her name, Willow stretched her arms over her head and began to rub her temples. The now total darkness of the room was beginning to help her oncoming headache.

A headache that she wasn't even sure why she had. Waking up with all the symptoms she'd noticed was typical for her after a night out drinking, but she only remembered having a couple of glasses of wine at George's last night.

However, that was almost all she could remember from their apartment anyway. They had had the work meeting, she'd talked with Elizabeth, George had offered to cook her dinner, and then the night went partially black.

But there was something in the gnawing at the back of her mind—besides the headache—that told her she was missing a large and important part of her night. Willow had never been much of a drinker, so something must have happened to cause her to consume more than she was used to.

Once she had snuggled back into the warm covers of her bed, she closed her eyes to try and think back on what had happened after everyone but she and George had left. She could barely even remember climbing into bed last night, let alone what the two of them had talked about.

She made a mental note to ask Juliet about the sobering potion they had taken at the club last month. Perhaps it was still a drunk fog on her mind that was keeping the events from dinner at bay, but Willow was determined to find out what happened...after she got a few more hours of sleep.

Just as she was finally feeling herself doze off, a loud crash and a string of curse words jolted her awake once more. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she slowly slid out of bed to go check on—she assumed—Juliet.

After trudging toward her door, she threw it open and was soon blinded by the brightness again. Once her eyes had adjusted, Willow glanced toward the kitchen where she found Juliet bent over on the ground.

As she approached her roommate, Bartholomew greeted her while she asked, "What're you doing?" in a groggy voice.

Juliet turned around, startled by the noise. As she stood up, Willow was able to see a pile of noodles and a broken bowl sitting on the floor next to her feet. "Good morning, beautiful! Or—actually, good afternoon since it's already noon," Juliet greeted before she turned back to the mess. "Long night at the Weasley's place?"

"I think I drank too much last night," Willow grumbled as she climbed into one of their barstools. "What're you doing?"

As she continued to scoop the stray noodles into a small pile, Juliet responded, "Bartholomew knocked my bowl off when I wasn't looking." She shifted to fully sit down while she dragged a towel across the floor. "And what do you mean you drank too much? Did you guys throw a party or something?"

messy // george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now