ch2: Chelsea Buns

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Willow woke up the next morning with what could only be described as a pep in her step. Her family had finally left a few days ago, and since then she had completely dedicated her time to getting the bakery ready for its opening. This morning in particular she had a long list of things she needed to accomplish.

The first item on her list was to get herself ready, but after that, she needed to head downstairs to her store to get ready for the several interviews she had scheduled. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't run the bakery by herself. She needed at least a few more pairs of hands to help out.

As she showered and got herself ready for the day she began to think about Fred again, a thought she had become quite familiar with over the last few days.

Willow was no stranger to the Weasley twins. She had been in the same year as them at Hogwarts, however, she was fairly certain that they had never finished their education because she did not see much of them during her final year.

She knew there were a lot of Weasleys, and that the twins were named Fred and George. Also, she was very aware of their younger sister Ginny for reasons she wished she wasn't. However, that is where her knowledge stopped. She had never spoken to them while in Hogwarts, her being a Hufflepuff and them being Gryffindors was probably to blame. She had always admired them from afar, who didn't but had never gotten close enough to touch.

They obviously couldn't say the same considering Fred had introduced himself to her the other day, but perhaps that was just a courtesy to show off in front of her mother. Regardless, she needed to get her mind off of him.

After grabbing a granola bar, she wandered down the back stairs that led straight into her bakery's kitchen. Willow glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Alright, I've got thirty minutes before the first interview starts," she said to herself.

She decided to busy herself by throwing together a simple coffee cake that she could offer to her interviewees. She probably didn't have enough time to finish it before the first appointment arrived, but she hoped it would be worth it in the end. It's never a bad idea to try and bribe people to work for her.

Just as she was putting her cake into the oven, she heard a loud knock come from the front of the store.

Willow snatched her wand to cast a cleaning spell on herself and made her way out front.


"No, you see that was the problem! I thought I had added a cup of sugar, but it turned out to be blimey salt!"

Willow couldn't stop herself from laughing at the story Seth, her last interview of the day, had just told her. She was becoming increasingly tired after each interview seemed to end in a flop, but there was something extremely refreshing about the man who sat in front of her.

He was a tall, shaggy-haired man. He wasn't particularly skinny, which Willow came to realize is what she seemed to prefer. His blue eyes came alive as he spoke. They reminded her of the clear sky on a perfect day.

Would it be particularly unprofessional to hire someone because she thinks they're cute? It was her bakery, after all, Willow would get to decide in the end.

"Well, Mr. Kinder," she said, closing the notebook in front of her. "I think that you would, honestly, be a wonderful fit for Sweetwood's. How would you feel about that?"

Seth beamed at her, "Ms. Sweetwood, I would love that! Thank you so much for this opportunity."

Willow smiled as she stood up to walk him out of her shop. They exchanged a few more words about uniforms and times before Seth was strolling down the road and out of sight.

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