ch5: The One That Got Away

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TW: mature content ahead (drinking, clubbing, smut, small amount of bondage, etc.)


Willow and Juliet had been inside the muggle nightclub for an hour at this point. It had been easy to get inside, although Willow did feel guilty for bypassing the long line because of Juliet's cousin.

It was a larger building than she had expected. The front entrance led straight into an area with tables and booths along one side, a small dance floor with a stage in the middle, and a long bar on the other side. However, the two girls had breezed through this room and into the main part of the bar.

Willow was currently sitting in one of the many stark white booths that surrounded the huge, sunken dance floor. A ginormous bar sat a few feet away from them, and Juliet was sitting on the opposite side of the table, talking to a group of men sitting in the booth connected to theirs.

Hundreds of people must have been on the dance floor because it didn't look like anyone even had room to breathe. The DJ that occupied the booth at the front of the crowd was playing muggle music that she barely recognized in her drunken state. She had managed to drink four vodka cranberries since they had gotten there, only one of which she paid for herself.

Juliet suddenly turned to her and said, "These boys want to dance. Let's go."

Willow stared at her, unable to fully comprehend what had just been said. Once she had focused back in, she realized that her friend was leaving the booth, followed by the group of three men. One of them, a rather beefy, dark-haired guy, glanced back at her and stopped when he didn't see her move.

She watched as he tapped Juliet on the shoulder and pointed towards Willow. Before she realized it, Juliet was grabbing her arm to pull her out of her comfortable spot.

She watched as Juliet turned back to the group of men to say something before dragging a sloppy Willow to the bathrooms. The two girls both entered the first stall they could find.

"Willow? Are you alright, love?"

Willow smiled, "J-Julie! I really don't know i-if-if I've ever-r-r-r been this dru-u-unk!"

Juliet watched as Willow slurred her words before sighing and reaching nearly her entire arm into the small purse she was holding.

Willow's eyes widened as she watched, "Whoa-a-a! How the f-fuck did you do-o-o that? It looked like, like, like ma-a-gic."

Juliet stared back at her, "Willow, please shut up. I'm trying to help you out but you're making it hard to want to."

Willow clasped a hand over her mouth to signify that she would be quiet as she sat down on the bare toilet seat.

"No! Willow, that's so gross. Oh, whatever. Just stay quiet," she said as she continued to dig around her purse.

After what felt like an eternity to Willow, Juliet finally pulled out a small vial. She didn't stop to explain before she pried Willow's hand off of her mouth and forced half of the purple potion down her throat. She twisted the top back on before placing it back into her bag.

Willow coughed several times as the sour liquid hit the back of her throat. It didn't take long for the drunk fog on Willow's mind to suddenly be partially lifted. She was now much more aware of her surroundings and the feeling in her lips had returned.

"What the hell happened in the last hour?"

Juliet laughed, "You can't handle your alcohol anymore, that's what happened. You know we've had the same amount to drink and I'm perfectly fine."

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