"New school year and everything is going well...right?"

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On the 1st September of 2013 Angelia Scamander is starting her 4th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Through out the summer she noticed very weird changes in her magic powers and it was getting more and more simmilar to powers of Rowena Ravenclaw one the 4 founders of Hogwarts. Noone noticed, only Angelia did. Angelia is waiting on train at the famous station 9 3/4 and as soon as she sees Teddy Lupin get there, she goes to greet him because they are best friends ever since they met in Angelias 1st year while Teddy was in his 2nd. She immediately tells him about the changes in her powers, and one girl standing nearby get concerned about it as well so she pretends to read while she's listening. "Well...I am not an expert at this you know that very well Angel." Teddy got silent for a while and then said. "But I think I know who would know a bit about it. Her mother had simmilar kind of power right? And bit of the power is in rest of the Ravenclaw diadem." Angel looked shocked for a second and then just answered. "Yeah...You're right, but...I'm not so sure if the diadem still haves pieces big enough to...well...work again." Angel smiled and switched the theme of corversation. 

The train arrived and the children got into their seats. Angelia found herself seat alone so she sat there till the train gets to Hogwarts,  Angel was looking out of window and was drowned in her thoughts. Nothing crazy happens turing the tour with fair share honesty, her younger brothers were in their 2nd and 3rd year and had plenty of stuff going on already so they were annoying their older sister less then usual.

Few moments later Hogwarts express arrived at Hogwarts so Angelia went straight to the great hall. Angel before she took a seat by Ravenclaw table proffesor MCgonagall stopped her and asked her if she could visit her in her office next morning. Angel agreed and finally took a seat. She noticed one Hufflepuff student with same power changes as she had. Same for 2 students one from Griffindor and second from  Slytherin. 

After the sorting ceremony and dinner, Angel went to the students and asked each the questions about their power. She started with the student from Hufflepuff. It was student named Tiara Weasley. She's a distant relative of the Weasley family. Angelia was quite familiar with her because in Hufflepuff she haves most of her friends there. For example Teddy and Tiara. Tiara wasn't as any other Hufflepuff student even before these changes. She was incredibly smart and brave, everyone didn't knew why she got sorted into Hufflepuff. After Angel asked her many questions they went to their dorms because it was going late. 

Angel at 9pm when she should already sleep she was reading book about the founders of Hogwarts while petting her pet cat Moony. Moony was a grey cat with many brown and black spots all over his body and had one that was shaped as moon. Angel was slowly falling asleep when she heard weird conversation between Minerva and one of the school ghosts. It was the Grey lady....Daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw. The conversation was about year 1997. Angel remembered the year thanks to the stories her mother told her when she was younger. She recognised few names and one object...The names were. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Helena Ravenclaw and the object was the Ravenclaw Diadem. She changes into some clothes she had by hand and walks to them. "Im sorry for interrupting but I have heard the whole thing." Angelia said with calm voice and proffesor MCgonagall said with bit of fear and worry in voice. "Oh..It's alright you if heard everything...It is actually connected to you." Angel stared at her proffesor for a while and then said. "And what is it may I ask?" Helena looked at Angel and with bit of hope in eyes and said. "As in 1997 was the diadem destroyed by Harry Potter, a piece of soul of Tom Riddle was gone as well but the magic the diadem held was travelling blindly through this school and all those years couldn't find anyone strong enough to hold such a power...But as it seemes it got into you...And because the power was many times held by my mother it does seems you posses same power as her... Such as her patronus and same level of power." Minerva added in. "I must ask you miss Scamander to use your power carefully so you wont get into much  trouble...You should go sleep it is night after all." "Goodnight proffesor...Goodnight Helena...Was great to see you again." Angela said and went to her dorm and fell asleep as soon as she layed in her bed. 

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