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     The next few days seem like just a blur. We visit so many places that I couldn't even keep up. It has been the busiest three days of my life. Terra has been very kind to me. She makes sure I am included in photos and when she goes to do something alone she always invites Mazy and me. Because of this Mazy has warmed back up to me. Mazy and I used to be really close, but when I started going to Hogwarts she started hanging out more with Von and therefore started to dislike me.
     I can tell that my parents are starting to grow irritated with me. I am growing more and more irritated with them as well. I think they are irritated because I don't seem like I am having a good time and I am starting to have a slight attitude towards them. I'm not trying to, but the more I think about what they did the more it grows. 
     Today we are going to visit the Palace of Versailles for the day. We are stopping for breakfast on the way though. The past few days I have forced myself to try some new foods only because I know Cedric would want me to. This morning I only order a coffee with lots of cream and sugar. 
     "Not hungry?" My dad asks in between bites of his own breakfast. I shake my head. She shakes his head and keeps eating. I play with the foam in my drink as everyone else eats. "Mrs and Mr West, do you mind if I go down the street to the bakery? There is something I have been wanting to get," Terra asks. 
     "Of course not," my mom says with a smile. "I'll go with you. I've finished my breakfast," Von says to her with a smile. She smiles at everyone. "Thank you. Charlie, why don't you come too," Terra says to me with a smile. 
     "That's a good idea," My mom says giving me an encouraging smile. I can tell by Von's look that he didn't want me to. But with the look, my parents are giving me I know they really want me to. 
     I lightly nod and finish my coffee "Okay." "Brilliant! We will see you three in a few minutes," my father says. Von lightly sighs and stands up and helps Terra up. I stand and follow them out. I walk behind them as we walk down the street. 
     "Why do you keep inviting her places?" Von asks quietly, but not caring enough for me not to hear. "Because it is polite, and she is lonely," Terra whispers back. "She's a weirdo. She is dark. She isn't the sort you will want to get involved with."  "I don't see that. She seems like a nice girl who is hurting," Terra counters. 
     Before they can continue talking about me they get to the bakery and walk-in. The room smells of fresh bread and pastries. It smells amazing. I look around the vintage room and at all the different foods. After a few minutes, the smell gets to be too much all at once. I decide to wait outside.  I sit at a table outside and look at my hands and wait for Von and Terra to come out. 
     "Well if it isn't Potter," I hear a girl say. I quickly look up to see Rayne Versace. A tall and beautiful blonde girl with high cheekbones and chiselled jaw. She is a Slytherin in my year at Hogwarts. "What the hell are you doing here?" 
     I quickly stand. Last time I had an encounter with her I broke her nose and left her with a concussion. "I'm on a trip with my family. What are you doing here?" I say cautiously. "I am visiting my aunt who owns a shop across the street. What family? Your family is dead."
     I look at the door as Von and Terra walkout. "Oh right. You have a muggle family. Which is it? West or Potter?"  "We have to go," I say to her, hoping she will just let me walk away. "Whos this?" Terra asks looking between Versace and me. 
     "I don't understand why Cedric associated himself with you. It's a shame. He was so perfect. For a pureblood like him to dirty himself with such filth like you. Do you ever wonder why he did it?" Versace continues, a twisted smile on her face. 
     "Just let us leave Versace," I say while putting my hand in my pocket. "What? Not so tough without Cedric or the Weasley's?" She says while crossing her arms. "I suppose I would rather die than spend all my time with you." 
     "Who the hell are you?" Terra asks loudly. Versace smiles at her. "No one to you," She says it like she has a bitter taste in her mouth. "I don't know who you are but you should leave, now," Von says harshly. Versace looks at him up and down. "I will, only because I have to though. Not because you are telling me to." 
     "Just leave already then," Terra adds with a sigh. Versace looks at me. "See you at school Potter. You and your brother can't hide much longer," Versace with a grin before walking away. What does she mean we can't hide much longer? 
     I look at Von and Terra. "I'm sorry about that, she's just some bitch I go to school with," I say while turning bright red. "It's fine," von says. For the first time not seeming annoyed by me. "She seems like a real piece of work," Terra says sounding sympathetic. I shrug. "I don't see her sound much." 
     "Hey Terra, do you mind if Charlie and I walk back alone? I want to talk to her about something," Von says awkwardly. "Yea, of course. See you in a few minutes," Terra says before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking away. 
     Von watches her walk and doesn't start talking until she is out of earshot. "I know I have made your life hell. Maybe you don't really deserve it. I would have been a bit nicer if I knew that people were like that to you at your school," he says softly. I can't stop looking at him in disbelief. Von is actually being decent to me. 
     "Why are you saying this?" I ask confused and a little worried. "I am saying it because I am sorry your friend died. And for all the shit I give you. I will try to tone it down," He says sounding genuine. I wait a few moments to make sure he isn't kidding before I talk. "Thank you, Von." He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. 
     "What's this?" I ask while looking at the pen he handed me. He lowers his voice. "It has a joint in it. It will make you feel better. Just don't get caught and be careful." I quickly put the pen in my pocket. I can't believe he just gave me weed. "Thanks, Von."  "Don't mention it. Literally. Now come on, let's go back." 
     Him and I both walk back to the cafe together. Never in my life did I think those words were going to be said to me by him. "Oh, by the way, what did she mean by you and your brother can't hide forever? And the name she called you?" 
     "Oh um... Don't tell anyone, found my real family," I say while looking at the ground. "Really? Are they, you know, like you?" I nod. "Yea, they are."  Neither of us says anything else as we all back to our family. 
     They are all standing outside. Mazy is very red and has my dads jacket around her waist. "We are going to make a slight detour and go back to the hotel for a few minutes," My dad says as he starts to walk. 
     "Mazy started her first period," My mom says quietly to me. Poor Mazy, starting this young. She is going to be getting the birds and bees talk soon that means. Poor innocent thing. When we get back to the hotel my dad decides he wants to stay downstairs and chat with some other men while my mom goes into the bathroom to help Mazy. Leaving Von, Terra and I alone. 
     "So your real family, where do they live?" Von asks quietly. I look between him and Terra. "They um, they actually died. The only one left is my real brother," I answer awkwardly. "I'm sorry," von says softly. I look at my hands for a few minutes before looking at Terra. "My friend died two weeks ago. He was murdered. I'm just having a really hard time processing it and dealing with it," I say quietly while going between looking at Terra and my hands. 
     "I'm sorry for your loss," Terra says softly. She reaches over and gently takes my hand. "My best friend committed suicide two years ago. Every day is hard. If you need anything let me know," She says before giving my hand a small squeeze. I slightly smile at her. "Thank you." She returns the smile. 
     Mazy and my mom walkout. Mazy now in a whole new outfit. "Well, we should be going now, shall we?" She says with a smile. "Yea. Let's go," Von says quickly. I smile at Mazy before following them all out of the hotel room. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now