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          I'm not particularly fond of long drives. I get motion sick easy in cars. Not to mention all the long drives that I have had has been in the back of a car with two other people. One being a child. I don't know if you have ever sat next to a toddler during a long car ride but it sucks. And this doesn't seem any different. 
     Bill said that the car ride is about 4 hours long and I am sitting in between the twins. Bill took the bullet and sat in the front with the taxi driver. I have never been in a taxi, my parents never spoke well of them. Anytime one was brought up, my father mentioned how his brother was killed by a taxi driver.  
     The twins seem to find this very enjoyable though. They talk basically the entire time. I try to involve myself a bit but after I start feeling sick. If I were sitting by the window, it would be better because I could roll it down a bit and have some air. Or because the twins wouldn't have to talk over me. Since I am the smallest one they thought it would be best for me to be in the middle. 
     Pebbles doesn't like being in the car, and that worries me for when we go to Hogwarts. I hope he won't mind the train ride. At first, he tried to jump into the floor to hide under the seats. But I am able to calm him down and sleep on my lap. Though he wasn't happy about it. 
     Bill keeps in on the twin's conversation for a lot of the time, but when they start debating why or why not a fish is the best pet. After a while, I get tired of their bickering. "Can we turn the radio on please?" I ask softly. "Anything in particular?" The driver, Jim, asks. "No, anything is fine," I say before looking out the window. It is completely dark outside now. 
     He turns the radio on and the twins fall into silence as they listen. The end of Dreams by Fleetwood Mac plays quietly. "So this is muggle music?" George asks while seemingly listening closely. "Some of it. It is really diverse," I say while softly scratching Pebbles head. After it ends Your Song by Elton John comes on. 
     I lean my head against Fred's shoulder and look out the front window as we listen to the music. I sing very softly along to the last bit. "So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do. You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue. Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean. yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen. And you can tell everybody, this is your song. It may be quite simple but, now that its done, I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is while you're in the world."
      The rest of the way there the only sounds is the radio and when I quietly sing along. I am able to sing along to five songs I think. Waterloo by ABBA, Killer Queen by Queen, Hey Jude by The Beatles, and Heros by David Bowie. My parents are big on listening to music while in the car and they would rather we sit together in the living room listening to music than watching the telly. 
     When we finally stop I get excited to get out and stretch only to be disappointed by Bill. "Is it alright if we sit here a moment until we are sure that someone is home? It shouldn't be but a moment," He asks the driver. "That's fine," Jim answers. 
     Fred, George, Bill and I all look out the window, waiting with slight anticipation. Even though Bill is the only one who knows what we are waiting for I make sure to pay attention to every small detail that goes on out in the dark streets. 
     After a moment there is a small red spark that goes up over a tree and disappears into the night. That had to be it. "Thank you, this should cover the fee," Bill says while handing Jim money. The three of us get out into the cold night. 
     I hold onto Pebbles tightly, worried that he might try jumping down so he can stretch. The three of us follow Bill down the street for a moment before we stop in front of a large number of run-down houses. 
      There is a pop before all the street lights go out. I would be lying if I don't jump from the sudden sound. Bill gets out a small sheet of paper and hands it to the three of us and speaks quickly and quietly. "Read it fast and memorize it fast." 
     The paper reads, "The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number 12 Grimmauld Place, London." I read it over several times to make sure I remember it. When I do I look up and read the building numbers. I see 11 and 13 easily, though no matter how hard I look I can't find number 12. 
     Bill takes the paper and burns it with his wand. I look at the twins and they have the same confused expression, but when I look back at the buildings a door starts to emerge in between numbers 11 and 13. And then walls and windows until another building is there. IT would seem as though whoever was in the other buildings haven't felt a thing. 
     "Woah," I say quietly. "Let's hurry," Bill mutters as he starts to walk up the steps to the house. The three of us follow. Bill pulls out his wand and taps the door once. The sound of a chain moving quietly fills the air for a few seconds before the door creeks open slightly. Bill pushes it open and lets us go inside first. 
     "Don't go far and don't touch anything," Bill says quickly. Inside it is dimly lit by oil lamps. It smells like musk and as though there are things rotting. The house has an uncomfortable feeling, sort of like as if you were to walk into a dead persons home. 
     The sounds of footsteps roll through the hall. Mr Weasley and Lupin are the ones behind them. "How did everything go?" Lupin asks while looking at Bill. "Fine. Nothing abnormal happened. The others aren't far behind," Bill says while looking between his father and Lupin. Mr Weasley nods. "Good. You three go sit in the kitchen for now until the others get back," Mr Weasley says to me and the twins. 
      Lupin tilts his head back a bit to tell us to follow him. I let the twins walk ahead of me. We follow him through the dimly lit hall into a brightly lit room with a long table and many chairs.s The main source of light seems to be coming from a large fireplace at the end of the room.
     "Try not to mess with anything. The house still needs to be decontaminated, it has sat alone for too long. Also, don't let your cat wander too far on his own. We will have to tell Kreacher to leave him alone and he might get into something potentially harmful," Lupin explains. 
     "Decontaminated?"  "Potentially harmful?"  "This place sounds like fun," The twins say, grins on their faces. I roll my eyes and let Pebbles jump onto the floor so he can stretch a bit. I will be sure to keep and eye on him though. 
     "We are almost done with your rooms and when we are then your mother will probably send you to bed," Lupin says before walking out. The twins and I look between each other before sitting at the table. I wonder what he meant by the house needs to be decontaminated and that Pebbles might get into something potentially harmful. I also wonder what he meant by Kreacher. I wonder what number 12 Grimmauld Place is in general, it seems to be something other than just an old house. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now