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     The next morning when I wake up I feel refreshed and happy. I get up and stretch big before getting dressed. After a lot of thinking I put on a short-sleeved shirt. With my arm being in a sling getting dressed is a lot more difficult.  Even though this is the first Saturday of the school year it feels like it should be one later. This week seems to have lasted forever. I run my hands through my hair and put my broken glasses on before going out to the common room. 
     It isn't long before Reno joins me. I smile at him. "Morning Reno. How did you sleep?"  "Morning. I slept alright," he says not seeming as happy. "I slept great. Wanna go get some breakfast then do our homework outside?" I ask while standing. He stands. "Yea lets get our work," He says before going and gathering his books. I do the same. 
     The Great Hall is filled with students who all seem to be in good spirits. We sit at the Hufflepuff table. I get a couple of slices of toast and put some jelly on them. "Charlie, what were you thinking last night?" He asks as he gets his own food. "What do you mean?" I ask even though I know exactly what he means. He gives me a look. I roll my eyes. 
     "I was thinking that I wasn't in a very good mood and I wanted to be able to get a good nights sleep," I say honestly. "Charlie you can't do that stuff. I am the head boy, I should be reporting you."  "Are you going to?"  "Of course not. But that isn't the point. I should be. You can't do that," He says sounding slightly irritated. "Reno you are looking at the bad. Look at the good," I say while staying calm. 
     "And what is the good?" He asks, sounding as if he is challenging me. "It helps me eat and sleep. I could hardly eat yesterday at dinner because I would have gotten sick from not eating in so long. That helps me keep food down. Just look at my mood. I am sober right now and I am in the best mood that I have been in since being here. I'm not doing it to be high or anything like that. I am doing it because it helps calm me down and feel better mentally and it helps me physically," I explain while looking at him. 
     He looks as if he is thinking of what to say. He sighs, unable to think of anything. "Alright. Fine. Just don't overdo it. And don't get caught. Don't be stupid with it," he says before going back to eating. I smile at him before eating as well. "You have the work I missed yesterday?" I ask him. "Yea I do. I will help you with it outside." 
     Outside it is warm and sunny. I am glad I wore a short sleeve. Even if that means anyone who looks at my arm can see the markings from my visits with Umbridge. Reno and I work on all of our homework from the last week before he helps me with the work that I missed on Friday. It is all semi-easy stuff. 
     When we finish we lay down and look at the sky. It is a light blue with fluffy clouds littering it. "Today is a nice day," I say with a smile. "Yea it is," he agrees. "Hey guys," Someone says. I look over to see Zacharias standing there. I sit up. "Hey," I say a little awkwardly. "I was just coming over to let you know we have Quidditch practise tomorrow. You aren't going to be flying until your arm is better, but I still want you there," he explains with a smile. I lightly nod. "Alright. Thanks for telling me," I say with a light smile. "You're welcome," He says before leaving. 
     I look over to Reno. He is looking at me. "You don't think that Angelina was right do you?" I ask nervously. "About Smith?" I nod. He looks at Zacharias as he walks away then back at me. "I don't think so. I don't really know though. I mean, could you blame him for liking you?" I am slightly taken off guard. 
     "I don't see why he would," I say after a few seconds. Reno sits up. "You don't see why he would fancy you?" I shake my head. "There is nothing special about me. I'm not the most attractive, I'm not very outgoing, I don't really do much of anything. I'm just kind of normal." Reno looks completely taken aback. "Charlie, what are you talking about? You are extremely attractive, you have a lot of special traits, you are kind and there is so much more. Why do you think so many people have liked you in the past?" 
     "You are acting like boys are lining up for me. No one thinks anything of me," I say with a light laugh. Reno gives a loud laugh. "You have Fred throwing himself at your feet! I had a thing for you! Remember that first year when we were in our third year? Yea sure you might not have dozens of boys but I think that you need to look at yourself from others eyes." 
     I think back to that first-year boy who is now in his fourth year. He was always wanting to hang out with us and he would get all flustered and bashful whenever alone with me or being in direct contact. After a few months, he admitted that he had feelings for me. I felt awful for having to tell him I didn't feel the same way. 
     I lightly shake my head. "I dunno. I just don't see it," I say with a shrug. I stand up and try to stretch. Though it is not as satisfying when I can't stretch one arm. "I'm going to go to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey wants me to stop by every few days to look at my arm."  "Alright. I should go and check on everything always. See you later Char," he says with a smile. I smile back. "See ya later." 
     The weekend passes faster than the past week. Monday morning rolls around quickly and I struggle to pull myself from my bed and get dressed. When I go to put my glasses on I take a long look at the tape that is keeping them together. I should send a letter to my parents and ask for a new pair. I would feel wrong doing that though. I suppose I can wait until the school year ends so I can get new ones myself. 
     I walk into the Great Hall and take my normal spot with Reno. He has his nose stuck in a copy of The Daily Prophet. I get a slice of toast. "Anything interesting?" I ask after taking a bite. He sets it down and looks at me. His eyes are wide and his mouth is pressed into a thin line. "Something awful is more like it," he says before passing the paper to me. I look at it and read the headline. MINISTRY SEEKS EDUCATIONAL REFORM DOLORES UMBRIDGE APPOINTED FIRST-EVER "HIGH INQUISITOR" 
 "What the hell is a High Inquisitor?" I ask, my apatite suddenly leaving. Whatever it is, this can't be good. I go on reading, though I'm not sure if I want to. 
     "In a surprise move, last night the Ministry of Magic passed new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. " 'The Minister has been growing uneasy about the goings-on at Hogwarts for some time,' said Junior Assistant to the Minister, Percy Weasley. 'He is now responding to concerns voiced by anxious parents, who feel the school may be moving in a direction they do not approve.'  "
     "This is not the first time in recent weeks Fudge has used new laws to effect improvements at the Wizarding school. As recently as August 30th Educational Decree Twenty-two was passed, to ensure that, in the event of the current headmaster being unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry should select an appropriate person. " 'That's how Dolores Umbridge came to be appointed to the teaching staff at Hogwarts,' said Weasley last night. 'Dumbledore couldn't find anyone, so the Minister put in Umbridge and of course, she's been an immediate success.' "

     " 'Totally revolutionizing the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the-ground feedback about what's really happening at Hogwarts.' "It is this last function that the Ministry has now formalized with the passing of Educational Decree Twenty-three, which creates the new position of 'Hogwarts High Inquisitor.' " 'This is an exciting new phase in the Minister's plan to get to grips with what some are calling the "falling standards" at Hogwarts,' said Weasley. 'The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect her fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch. Professor Umbridge has been offered this position in addition to her own teaching post, and we are delighted to say that she has accepted.' "The Ministry's new moves have received enthusiastic support from parents of students at Hogwarts.
     " 'I feel much easier in my mind now that I know that Dumbledore is being subjected to fair and objective evaluation,' said Mr. Lucius Malfoy, 41, speaking from his Wiltshire mansion last night. 'Many of us with our children's best interests at heart have been concerned about some of  Dumbledore's eccentric decisions in the last few years and will be glad to know that the Ministry is keeping an eye on the situation.' "Among those 'eccentric decisions' are undoubtedly the controversial staff appointments previously described in this newspaper, which have included the hiring of werewolf Remus Lupin, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, and delusional ex-Auror 'Mad-Eye' Moody.
     "Rumors abound, of course, that Albus Dumbledore, once Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, is no longer up to the task of managing the prestigious school of Hogwarts. " 'I think the appointment of the Inquisitor is a first step toward ensuring that Hogwarts has a headmaster in whom we can all repose confidence,' said a Ministry insider last night. "Wizengamot elders Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Ogden have resigned in protest at the introduction of the post of Inquisitor to Hogwarts. " 'Hogwarts is a school, not an outpost of Cornelius Fudge's office,' said Madam Marchbanks. 'This is a further disgusting attempt to discredit Albus Dumbledore.' (For a full account of Madam Marchbanks' alleged links to subversive goblin groups, turn to page 17)."
     "This is ridiculous!" I say before angrily throwing the paper aside. Reno nods in agreeance. "At this rate next Monday she will have half of the teachers fired and then the next she will be taking Dumbledores place!"   "I don't think taking over Headmaster will be that easy. She will have to prove he is unfit for the job first," Reno says while getting some eggs. "At this pace, she will figure that out," I counter. Reno shakes his head. "I don't think Dumbledore will make it that easy." 
     I walk into Charms with Reno. We take a seat next to the twins and Lee. They all give us smiles as they greet us. I force a smile on my face. Luckily I haven't had to deal with Umbridge in my other classes today. Hopefully, I will only have to endure her class. All my hope is quickly lost though when I see her walk into the room and stand in the corner. A smile on her nasty face. 
     "Where have you been love? I haven't seen you in a few days," Fred says to me with a small smile. I shrug. "Yesterday I was at Quidditch practice and Saturday you were. I think we have both just been a little busy," I say in a somewhat sour voice. "You didn't practice did you?" He asks sounding a little concerned. "No. Just watched. Though Madam Pomfrey says I should be fine by the end of the week." He slightly smiles again. "That's great!" 
     Before we can say much else Flitwick starts his lesson, making sure to give Umbridge a warm welcome. I force myself to ignore the hag in the room and just focus on the lesson. For the most part, she is quiet and just stands in the corner making notes. After half the class is over she finally leaves. Thank gosh. I suppose that wasn't as bad as it could've been. Maybe her class won't be either. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now