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     As I am walking down the corridor looking for somewhere to sit I pass where Terra's little sister is. I open the door and smile at her. She has several other first years sitting with her. She looks at me. "I saw you standing outside talking to Terra!" she says with a smile. "Yea, your sister is a friend of mine. I'm Charlie," I say with a kind smile. She smiles big at me. "I'm Harmony. This is my first year here," she says sounding a little nervous.
     "It's nice to meet you, Harmony. I'm a seventh year and in Hufflepuff," I say while switching the weight of my things to my other arm. "Charlie?" Someone says from the isle. I look over and see Fred standing a few feet away. "Whatcha doing?" "I was looking for a place to sit and I stopped to talk to Harmony, Terra's little sister," I say while giving Fred a small smile.
     "Why don't you come to sit with us?" He asks while tilting his head slightly. "I didn't want to nothing you while you talked business," I say while turning a little red. "Love you won't bother us. Come on," He says while gesturing for me to follow him. I smile then turn back to Harmony. "I've got to go. If you need anything then let me know," I say to her with a smile. She smiles back and nods. I close the compartment door then follow Fred down the corridor for a bit before he opens the door for me.
     When I go to pass him to go in he takes my things from me then walks in behind me and puts it away. "Hey, Charlie! Long time no see," George says sarcastically. He gets up and moves next to lee. "Hey there Charlie, how have you been?" Lee asks with a smile. I smile back at them and sit across from them. "I've been okay, what about you Lee?"
     "Oh I've been pretty good," He says, his smile still wide. Fred gets Pebbles from his cage and sets him on the set. He crawls onto my lap and lays down while purring. Fred sits next to me and puts his arm over my shoulders.
     "I thought we were going to talk business," Lee asks Fred. "We are. We can talk in front of Char, she is in on it with us," Fred says with a smile. I slightly smile. Lee shrugs and they start going. The twins tell him and show him about the Skiving snackboxes. When they get into telling him about some of the things they ave to experiment with I zone out while looking out the window.
     This time last year I was sitting with Reno and Cedric, we were telling each other about our summers. All of us catching up while laughing. Now even if Reno was sitting with me we wouldn't have much to tell since we have been with each other the past month. I really wish Cedric was here with us.
     I can't help but wonder how different everything would be if he was still alive. Would I have still stayed with everyone at number 12 Grimmauld place? Would Cedric, Fred and I have had a good time in France? Would we have even gone with the new dangers of You-Know-Who being back? Would I be sitting here with Fred, George, and Lee? Would Reno be head boy or would Cedric?
     "You okay Charlie?" George asks, bringing me back to reality. I blink a few time before looking at them. When I blink I feel a few tears go down my cheeks. I wipe my eyes. I must have been crying a little. "Yea, I'm okay. Just thinking," I say while trying to sound okay.
     I look up at Fred who is looking down at me with a slightly worried look. "Seriously, I'm okay. I was just thinking about Cedric. I'll be fine," I say trying to sound reassuring. though I don't think it worked. He leans down and kisses my head. "I know this is hard for you love," He says softly to me. "We all know you were close to him. If you need anything then you can say so," Lee says gently. George nods in agreeance. I pull myself away from Fred.
     "Seriously guys. Don't worry about me. I will be fine," I say while scooting over a bit so I can see all of them. They all look sceptical. I sigh. "What were you guys talking about?" I ask to change the subject. "We were talking about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor," George says.
     Before anyone can say anything more the door opens and Angelina Johnson steps in. A smile on her beautiful face. "Hey guys, how was your summer?" She asks while looking around at everyone. Everyone, including Fred, smiles at her. I don't smile back though. "Hey, Angelina. Mine was good," Lee says. "Ours was alright. How was yours?" Fred says, a smile still on his face. "Oh, mine was alright. Kind of dull. How was your summer, Charlie?" She asks while looking at me.
     I am slightly taken off guard by her asking me. I force myself to lightly smile at her. "It was okay I suppose," I say a little quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. She glances around once more before taking a step out. "Well, I will see you all later," she says before leaving. Before she can close it someone pushed it back open, Reno steps in and sits next to me.
     "Guess who the head girl is?" He asks looking irritated. "Who?" I ask curiously. Before he can answer the door opens again. Versace is standing there with Harmony. "I think you lost your pet West. Or is it Potter? You never answered me last time. Oh, I suppose it is West since you aren't really a Potter," She says with a cruel grin. Harmony walks in.
     "Can I sit with you?" She asks me sounding nervous. I am about to tell her yes, before I do I look at the twins and Lee. They all nod. I smile at Harmony. "Of course you can." She gives a wide smile then sits next to George.
     Versace seems annoyed that I didn't say anything back. "You'd better watch out West. I am head girl now. Try an attack me now and you will probably be expelled." I look at Reno to confirm her really being head girl. He gives a sad look to answer me. I look back at her. "Thanks for the heads up. You can go now," I say not wanting to have an argument.
     She looks at Reno. "See you later," She says before closing the door hard. It bonuses back open. We can hear Versace talking to a few of her Slytherin friends. "She dyed her hair blue. It looks so stupid," we hear her say. "Ew. She probably did it for more attention," another girl says. "Probably. You'd think she has enough. Saying she is Potter's sister and all. Of course, she chose the famous boy to say it," Another says.
     "Who else was in there?" The first girl asks. "The Weasley Twins, Jordan and Reynolds," Versace answers. "So her three boyfriends? You think she is starting to play with Lee now too?" one of the girls asks. "Maybe. You'd think she has learned her lesson since her other boyfriend died. And having the twins to play with," The second girl says. "She plays with all the boys in school and wonders why all the girls don't like her." Fred gets up and closes the door tightly before sitting back next to me.
     The entire time I look at my hands. Is that really what everyone thinks about me? Or is it just them? "Just ignore her Charlie. She is just saying it to get under your skin," Reno says, anger in his voice. "Who was she?" Harmony asks. I wipe my eyes and look up at her with a smile. "Her name is Versace. She is a 7th year Slytherin," I answer.
     She looks around at everyone. "This is Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jordan. they are 7th-year Gryffindors. And this is Reno Reynolds. He is a 7th year Hufflepuff like me," I say while pointing everyone out. They all smile and tell her hello.
    "What are Hufflepuff and Gryffindor?" She asks curiously. The twins and Lee all take turns explaining to her what the houses are and how you are sorted into them. "What did Versace mean about calling you West and not Potter?" Harmony asks after they finish.
     "When I was a baby I was adopted by a family and they named me Charlie West. They are a Muggle family. My adoptive brother is dating your sister, that's how she and I became friends. And last year I found my real family. They were magic like us. They named me Danielle Potter. The Potters are famous. and not everyone believes that they are really my family," I explain.
     "Which is ridiculous. You and Harry look almost like twins," Reno says quickly. "Why don't they believe you?" She asks curiously. "Because that would mean the Ministry of Magic would have to admit they are wrong," Fred quickly says. "And they aren't really happy with my brother Harry right now," I add.
     Harmony looks as though she is taking all this new information in. "Did your boyfriend really die?" She asks cautiously. I lightly shake my head. "No. Last year my friend died. He wasn't my boyfriend though," I answer slowly. "I am her boyfriend. Versace just likes to say mean things about Charlie. She doesn't play with anyone," Fred defends. I slightly smile at him.
     When the door opens again I almost yell at whoever it is. I restrain myself though. The trolly witch peeks in with a smile. "Anything from the trolly dears?" "None for me," Reno says. I get money out of my bag quickly. "One pumpkin pastie, one cauldron cake, one box of Bertie Bots every flavour beans, and one chocolate frog please," I say while handing her the money. She takes it then hands me the sweets and walks off.
     "Damn, hungry much?" George asks looking surprised. I lightly laugh. "It isn't for me. Here you go Harmony," I say while handing the stuff to Harmony. She looks shocked. "For me?! Why?" She asks. I smile at her and sit down. "Because when I was on the train for the first time I met someone who ended up being one of my best friends and since I grew up in a muggle house I didn't have any money and I have never had any of this stuff. So he bought me this stuff so I could try it. So now I am doing the same," I say with a smile.
     "I remember that. Cedric insisted that you not pay him back," Reno says with a smile. Harmony beams at me. "Thank you!" I smile back at her. "You're welcome." I look at Fred who is smiling at me. I smile back. "What?" He shakes his head and puts his arm back around me and pulls me over to him so he can kiss my head.
     "Hey, if you want some more sweets Harmony we sell some," George says with a wide grin. "No! Don't buy them! Trust me, never eat anything these three boys give you," I say with a light laugh. The three of them laugh. "We don't know what you mean!" the twins say at the same time.

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now