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     I spend a long time alone in the small room Sirius showed me writing to Cedric. I tell him where I am and I describe the house and everything I have seen in it so far. I tell him about Kreacher and about the room I will use to write. I tell him about the Ministry not believing I am a Potter and what little we were told.  
     By the time I finish writing and get to the kitchen for breakfast everyone is awake and pretty much finished eating. I take a seat next to Fred and George. I look around to see who is here. The twins, Ron and Ginny, Hermione, and Sirius. 
     "Good morning love," Fred says to me with a smile. I slightly smile back. "Good morning."  "Sleep well?" he asks while turning to me slightly. I might as well not worry him more than he already is. I nod. "Yea I slept pretty well," I lie. His smile widens. "I slept pretty well as well. George didn't let me sleep in as long as you though," He says while glancing at his twin. 
     I look over at Sirius and see he is giving me a disapproving look for lying to Fred about my sleep. "You will need that rest. Your mother is planning on putting you all to work very soon," He says before taking a drink of what is probably tea. "Yea, mum said we are going to start cleaning the house," Ginny says in a very unexcited tone.  
     "Well, you girls have fun with that. Fred and I will be working on some very important stuff," George says with a grin. "What about me?" Ron asks looking slightly offended. "I did say have fun girls didn't I?" George asks Fred sarcastically. "Very funny. But she meant all of us. Including you boys too," Hermione says to him. 
     Mrs Wealsley walks in the room looking slightly as if she is in thought. "We will get started cleaning in here when everyone is finished eating," She says while starting to clean up the dishes. "Mrs Weasley, is it okay if I clean the bathroom?" I ask hopefully. "Yes dear, that's fine. I will gather some things for you," she says stopping what she is doing to go get things. 
     "Not hungry?" Fred asks, now having a slightly worried expression. I shake my head. "No, not really. I think I am still full from last night," I say the first excuse that comes to mind. "You hardly ate anything last night," George adds. 
     "Here you go dear," Mrs Weasley says while walking in with a bucket with cleaning supplies inside. "I'll do the dishes mum," Ginny says while standing and taking Mrs Weasley place in cleaning off the table. "Thank you, dear," Mrs Weasley says sounding appreciative. 
     I stand up. "I'll see you in a bit," I say while giving Fred a small smile. He smiles back and doesn't say anything. I stand and take the bucket of cleaning supplies and head up to the bathroom. My chore at my house was to clean the bathroom. So I don't mind this too much. I prefer cleaning alone anyways. 
     When I finally finish cleaning the bathroom is almost unrecognizable. Most of the stains and discolouration of everything is gone, the floor no longer has a slightly sticky feel to it, as do no other surfaces, and the mirror is sparkly clean. The best part is the room has a light piney scent. 
     About an hour or two ago Hermione came and told me they were taking a lunch break. I declined to join though, still not feeling hungry. I think about going and writing to Cedric more when I finish but I don't have anything new to tell him. I will have to wait a day or two I suppose. 
     I walk around looking for the others so I can join them in the room they are cleaning. I meet Ron on the stairs. He is going up as I am going down. "Where are the others?" I ask. "I think Fred and George are in their room. Hermione and Ginny are helping mum cook," he answers in a tired voice. "They aren't cleaning?" He shakes his head. "We stopped for the day."  "Oh okay. Thanks," I say before turning around and going up. 
    I find the twins in their room just as Ron said. I walk over and look at them. They are both sitting on the floor, papers spread on the floor in front of them. "Hey love," Fred says with a smile. I slightly smile back before sitting next to him. "Hey."  "How was cleaning the bathroom? I don't understand why you so willingly signed up for that," George asks. 
     "It was alright. Definitely a lot of work. I used to have to clean the bathroom every week at home when I wasn't at school, so I am used to it," I say with a shrug. "Still, I wouldn't want to. I'm sure it was awful," Fred adds in agreeance with George. I shrug. 
     "What are you guys working on?" I ask while glancing down at all the papers. "Just trying to figure the floor plans for the shop out," Fred says while moving some papers around. "Yea, or at least trying to get a rough idea of how it might go," George adds while doing the same. 
     "Oh okay. Need help with anything?" I ask while trying to make sense of some of the papers. "Not yet I don't think," Fred says while giving me a small smile. I lean back against the bed and think for a second. 
     "So is Charlie still in Romania?" I ask curiously. They both nod. "Yea, he is still working with dragons," Fred answers first. "He helps the order with what he can. Bill says Dumbledore wants some people from the order in far places," George continues. I lightly nod. I suppose that would make sense.  
     "What about Percy? I haven't seen him around at all," I ask while trying to remember the last time I saw Percy. They both tense up slightly. "Its actually a good thing you haven't mentioned him yet," Fred says while looking at me. "Yea, especially in front of mum or dad." 
     "Why? What happened?" I ask even more curious now. "Well, whenever he is mentioned dad breaks what he is holding and mum starts to cry."  "Dad and Percy had a bad row, worse than I have ever seen dad row with before," Fred says looking as if he is rewatching what happened. "Yea, usually mum is the one who yells," George adds, the same look on his face. 
     "It was the first week being back, mum and dad were about to join the order. Percy came home and told everyone that he had been promoted."  "Oh no..." I say, already able to see where this is going. "Yea, we were all surprised because Percy had gotten into a heap of trouble from not noticing that crouch was off his rocker and not notifying anyone."  "But you know Percy. He was left in charge, he wasn't about to start complaining." 
     I lightly nod. Percy had always loved to be high up. He took being Prefect at school so a whole new level. "So why has he been  promoted then if he got in trouble?" I ask slightly confused. "That's what we wanted to know too," Fred agrees. "He was very pleased with himself."  "More so than usual."  "We didn't think that was even possible," they say going back and forth.  
     "Well, he told dad he'd been offered a really good position in Fudge's office."  "Better than most people a year out of Hogwarts gets."  "Junior Assistant to the Minister. I suppose he expected dad to be all impressed and thankful." 
     "Was he not?" I ask while looking between the two. They both shake their heads. "Apparently Fudge has been storming around the Ministry checking that nobody having any contact with Dumbledore," Geroge continues, pausing so Fred can speak next. "Dumbledores name is mud right now in the Ministry. Thinking that he's trying to make trouble and all." I nod. "Right."
     "Fudge made it clear that anyone in contact with Dumbledore can clear out their desks."  "So Fudge suspects dad. They know that they have always been friends. And he has always thought dad was a bit of a weirdo because of his muggle obsession."   "Dad reckons that Fudge only gave Percy the job to spy on the family and Dumbledore."   
     "Damn. Bet Percy loved hearing that," I say while lightly shaking my head. "Oh, yea. He was over the moon."  "Yea he went berserk. He said loads of terrible things. Stuff like he has had to fight against lousy reputation ever since he started at the ministry and that dads got no ambition and that's why we've always been poor."
    "He also said dad was an idiot for running around with Dumbledore and that they were all going to end up in nothing but trouble."  "And that he, Percy, knew where his loyalty lay and it was with the Ministry. And if mum and dad were going to become traitors to the Ministry he was going to make sure everyone knew that he didn't belong to our family anymore."  "He then packed his bags and left the same night. He is living here in London now. Mum tried to go and talk to him, but he slammed the door in her face." 
     I am at a loss of words. I always knew Percy was extremely ambitious and was determined and hard when it came to moving up in his career but I didn't think he would go to those kinds of lengths. 
     "Damn... What an absolute prick..." I say in shock. They nod in agreeance. There is a soft meow as Pebbles walks in and over. I lightly pet him and he climbs onto my lap and curls up. "Since when have you had a cat anyway?" Fred asks curiously. He reaches over and lightly pets Pebbles. 
     "Hannah gave him to me when I got back from school. She was hoping he'd make me feel better because or Cedric or something," I say with a slightly bitter voice. "Who's Hannah?" George asks. "My adoptive mother." 
     Fred puts his arm around me and gently pulls me over so that I am sitting on his lap. "You are calling them by their first names now? Why?" he asks me. "Just so there is no confusion between my adoptive family and real family," I say quickly. Though I regret it instantly because it doesn't make much sense. "Though I suppose you know which one I will mean. Seeing how my real mother is dead," I say a bit quietly. 
     Luckily I am saved by Ron walking in and sitting down with a sigh. "I wish dinner was soon. I am starving."  "It will be later today. They are having a meeting."  George quickly cleans up all the papers and puts them away. "What is all that?" Ron asks curiously. "Nothing for you to worry about," Fred answers. 
     "Wasn't there a meeting yesterday?" I ask a bit confused. "Yea but this is like a real meeting. The entire order I think will be here," George answers. If that is true then I imagine it will be pretty late before we eat. 
     "Is Charlie in here?" Bill says as he walks in. He looks around then sees me. "This came for you," He says while holding a letter out for me. I stand up enough so I can reach out and take it. Fred keeps his hand on my waist the whole time. I sit back down and look at it. "It's from Reno. Thank you, Bill," I say while giving him a small smile. "You're welcome." 
     I open it up and read it quickly. He tells me that he is glad I'm not alone anymore and that they have changed their plans to visit France. He says they are going to go in a few days and only stay for a few days. His mother says it is too dangerous to go but she is going to let him so he can visit Ludovic. 
     His mother believers that You-Know-Who is back that means. I quickly look up at Bill who is walking out. "Bill! Is Fleur in the Order?" I ask quickly. He turns around and looks slightly confused. He looks between us all for a minute before looking at me and answering. "Yes, why?"  "How old is her brother?" I ask quickly. 
     His confusion only seems to grow. "I didn't know she had a brother."  "You are dating her and didn't know she had a brother?" Fred asks amused. "We aren't dating," Bill defends. "That doesn't matter right now. Yes, she has a brother. He is dating my friend Reno Reynolds," I explain quickly.  "Charlie are you okay?" Fred asks. "Yea what are you on about?" George adds. I take a deep breath so I can slow down.
     "Reno is going to France to visit Ludovic, Fleur's brother, in a few days. He was supposed to go near the end of summer for a couple of weeks. Now he is going in a few days only for a few days because his mother thinks it is dangerous. Reno's father is a muggle and his mum is a witch. His mom could join the order. And if Dumbledore is trying to get people in other counties then there is also Ludovic and his parents," I explain as slow as I can, which actually isn't very slow. 
     Bill takes a second to soak all the informative in then lightly nods. "His last name is Reynolds?" I nod. "I don't know his mom's first name."  "That's fine. I will bring it up in the meeting," He says before walking out. 
     I look back at the twins and Ron. "How fast does your brain go?" Ron asks looking as if he is still trying to process everything I said. "Um... Pretty fast I suppose," I answer after thinking about it for a few seconds. The twins lightly laugh before Fred hugs me lightly from behind and kissing my head. I lean back against him. 
     Ginny and Hermione walk in soon and take a seat with us. They tell us that Mrs Weasley wants us to start deep cleaning all the bedrooms tomorrow. After that, I sit and silently listen to them as they all talk. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now