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     Once I finish eating the twins and I go to their room so they can show me what they have been working on. On our way up we pass Ron and Hermione. They ask how I am and how I have been. I decide I am going to just pretend I'm okay. So I give them a smile and tell them fine. 
     Fred and George's room is quite small and rather messy. I didn't expect any less from the twins though. There are two beds with two baskets at the end filled with clothing. The walls are red and empty. There are a few dark spots that look like something got burnt there. Probably from their experimenting. 
     On top of their unmade beds, their trunks sit where they are packing. There is papers and all sorts of things scattered here and there on the floor. All the paper reminds me of how long it took for Fred to send a letter back to me. I cross my arms. "I suppose I can't say much, my room was a bit messy," I say while walking into the room. 
     The twins walk over and get stuff out from under their beds. They sit on the floor with a few boxes. I walk over and sit in front of them. They start getting stuff out. 
     "Most of it isn't finished yet," Fred says. "We do have one finished though," George says while handing me a long, flesh-coloured piece of string. "That is extendable ears," George says with a proud smile. Fred has an identical smile. "You put one end in your ear and the other end under a door or something and you can listen to any conversation as if you were there in the room."
     I get an impressed look. "Definitely useful. Good job boys," I say before handing it back. Fred opens another box. "This will be Skiving Snackbox when we are finished."  "Treats to get you out of class," George adds. "Fainting Fancies."  "Fever Fudge."  "Nosebleed Nougat."  "And Puking Pastille." 
     "Wow. It sounds like you boys have been busy," I say while looking at all the unfinished products. "We are hoping to be able to open shop by the time the year ends," Fred says with an excited smile. "Yea, Harry told me what he did for you guys."
     "We have been trying to find a location for the sop," Fred says with a slight nod. "But mum won't let us leave, so it makes it difficult."  "When we went to get you was the first time we have left the house since we got back."  "And it took a lot of convincing." 
     I look between them for a moment. "George, do you mind if Fred and I talk alone for a few minutes?" I ask nervously. Their smiles leave as they look at each other. George nods before standing. "I'll see you both in a bit." 
     He closes the door on his way out. Fred looks at it for a few seconds, I think he is trying to decide if he should open it or not. "I don't know if mum will want us to have it open or not. I've never had a girl in here."  "I just want to talk for a minute," I say trying to help him make a decision. 
     "Is everything okay?" He asks after a few seconds. I lightly nod. "It took you a really long time to write back."  "I have been busy. George and I have been planning a lot for our shop and mum had us packing and cleaning. I'm sorry love," he explains softly.
     I lightly nod. "Okay. I was just curious."  "I told you that in my letter."  "I don't really remember the letter. The gum had me kinda messed up I suppose." He slightly smiles and gently touches the blue part of my hair. "You're telling me."
     I very light laugh. "I actually kind of like it," I say honestly. He smiles. "Yea? Me too." I smile more. "I still need a hair cut though. It is too long for my taste," I say while running my hands through it. "It is hardly to your shoulders," he says with a light laugh. "I know. I like it short though. It's easier to take care of." 
     He is quiet for a few seconds. "What?" I ask concerned. He looks like he is thinking about something. "George and I have been talking. We are going to need some help with the shop. Lee Jordan is going to be working with us. George and I were thinking that, if you want to, you could work there too." 
     I smile at him. "You are asking me to work for you in your future shop?" He nods. I lightly laugh and nod. "Yes, of course, I will Fred." He smiles real big. "Brilliant! It will be great!" I lightly laugh. "We will see." He rolls his eyes then stands and holds his hand out. I take it and he pulls me up. He starts to put away all of their inventions. I help him. I suppose it wouldn't be good for their mom to stumble upon it. 
     "What are we doing?" I ask curiously. "Let's go find George and see what he's doing. Mum might want us to clean though," He says while walking over to the door and opening it. "Okay." He and I walk out of his room and go in search of his twin. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now