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     The days seem to pass by quickly, which doesn't make a lot of sense because most days seem to be very long. The days we don't clean go by faster than the ones we do. When we aren't cleaning I am usually with the twins. They have nearly perfected their Skiving Snackbox which they have both tested out themself and somehow convinced me to test out with them. 
     "We have to see how it affects a girl," they would say. I don't see why it would affect me any differently than it does them. And when the effect hits it seems to have the same reaction as them, proving my point. "We had to just be sure," they would happily say. 
     Harry seems to spend most of his time with either Sirius or Ron and Hermione. It doesn't surprise me much, Ron and Hermione are his best friends. When I'm not with the twins I am usually with Reno. When the twins are working on their products Reno is never around, they are very private about their creations and only want people to know about them when they are completed.   
     I think about writing to my family a few times, I always go against it and find excuses though. Most of the time the excuse is that we can't send owls out much so that the neighbourhood doesn't get suspicious. Reno tries to get me to send my parents a letter at least, saying that I know he is right and that Cedric would want me to send one as well.
     I know Cedric would want me to, but as for him being right, I don't know. He says that they would be happy to hear from me and that they would be relieved that I am somewhere safe and being taken care of. I'm not so sure of any of that. I point out that if they wanted to know where or how I was why don't they send me a letter themself, he points out that they probably don't know the owls could find me. 
     Today I have been thinking about what I am going to do when school ends. I know that I can work at the twin's shop, but I'm not sure that I want that to be my life. I'm not sure what I want. And on top of that, I still don't know where I am going to live. I know I have the option to live with the twins, but I still don't know. 
     I set the plates down on the table, all this swimming around my head. "You look like you are thinking about something," Sirius says. I look at him. He and Lupin are sitting next to each other at the table. I lightly shrug. "Just stuff," I say as I set the last plate down. I start to set down the silverware. 
     "Maybe we can help," Lupin says. "It's not anything big. Just that this is my last year of school," I say not looking at them. "Any part specifically?" Lupin asks. I look at them. They are both looking at me curiously. "What I am going to do and where I am going to live."  "Things haven't gotten any better with your family?" Lupin asks. I shake my head. 
     "Well I know it is a pretty gloomy place but you will always be welcome here," Sirius says with a small smile. I slightly smile back. "Thank you." That does help. At least I know I could stay here until I figure things out. 
     The room starts to fill with people. I set down the last of the silverware and stand against the wall. I watch as everyone walks in and sits down as Bill walks out and sets the food on the table. Mrs. Weasley walks out behind him and sets a few more things down. 
     "You okay love?" Fred asks me with a smile. He is sitting at the table, George sitting next to him. "Yea, just thinking," I say with a small smile. I walk over and sit next to him. George and him finish their conversation and laugh for a minute before getting food. 
     The night goes by just as slowly as they always seem to. Between just sitting with the twins and Reno and then trying to sleep it seems like it is going to last forever. Then when the day comes they go by just as slowly too. It isn't long before it is finally the last day of the holiday. 
     I stretch my arms as I walk into the twin's room with them. "Man, I don't see how anywhere can be as dirty as this place," George says as he sits on his bed. Fred agrees. Reno walks in with letters in hand. "We finally got our book lists," He says handing ours to us. 
     We all open them. "We have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," George points out. "I mean we weren't going to keep having a death eater as one," I say as I read the list. "Yea but Dumbledore was having a hard time finding a new one," Fred responds. "Do you blame them? Look at how our past ones have gone," Reno says. He is right, we have had awful luck with them. 
     "That doesn't seem right," Reno says with a shocked face, his eyes still on the parchment. "What doesn't?" I ask, walking over to look at his. "You got Head boy! Congratulations Reno!" I say with an excited smile for him. 
     He doesn't share my enthusiasm. The twins apparate out. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "It doesn't make sense, I haven't ever even been a prefect," he says sounding troubled. "Cedric was always Hufflepuff prefect. He probably would have been head boy too," I say a little softly. "So now that he can't be I am? Why me?" he asks. "You get some of the best grades in our year," I point out. He shrugs. "This is a good thing Reno. You are perfect for it," I say while giving him an encouraging smile. 
     I walk out of the room and go to Ron's, that is probably where the twins went. I walk in at the same time as Hermione. We walk in to find the twins, Harry, and Ron. All of them have shocked looks. I notice Hermione's envelope in her hand as well. 
     "Did you, did you get-?" She stops suddenly. I notice Harry is holding a prefect badge. "I knew it! Me too Harry! Me too!" She says sounding very excited. Harry hands the badge to Ron. "No. It's not me, it's Ron," he says quickly. "It- what?" She asks confused. "Ron's prefect, not me," Harry says. 
     "Ron?" Hermione says, now looking just as surprised as everyone else. "But... Are you sure? I mean-" She quickly stops and looks at Ron. "It's my name on the letter," he says to her. "I... well... wow! Well done Ron! That's really-"  "Unexpected," George says with a nod. 
     "No. No, it's not. Ron's done loads of... he's really..." Hermione stops when the door opens, her face a bright red. Mrs Weasley walks in carrying clean robes. "Ginny said that the booklists had come in at last," she says while looking around. "If you give them to me I'll take them over to Diagon Alley this afternoon and get your books while you're packing. Ron, I'll have to get you more pyjamas. They are at least six inches too short, I can't believe how fast you're growing... What colour would you like?" 
     "Get him red to match his badge," George says with a smile. "Match his what?" Mrs Weasley asks confused. "His badge. His lovely new prefect badge," Fred says with the same look. "His- but- Ron you're not-?" Ron holds up his badge to answer his mom's question. Mrs. Weasley lets out a pleased shriek. "I don't believe it! Oh, Ron how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!" 
     "What are Fred and I? Next-door neighbours?" George asks as Mrs. Weasley hugs Ron. She seems to have not heard him. "Wait until your father hears! Ron, I'm so proud of you7! What wonderful news! You could end up Head Boy like Bill and Percy, it's the first step! Oh, what a thing to happen in the middle of all this worry! I am just thrilled! Oh, Ronnie!" 
     Fred and George start to make fake gagging noises which Mrs Weasley seems to not hear. Sh continues hugging Ron and starts kissing his cheeks. "Mum... don't... Mum, get a grip..." Ron says turning bright red. She finally lets him go. 
     "Well, what'll it be? We gave Percy an owl, but you've already got one of course."  "What do you mean?" Ron asks confused. "You've got to have a reward for this! How about a nice new set of dress robes?"  "We've already bought him some," Fred says sourly as if he now regrets that. "Or a new cauldron? Charlie's old one's rusting through. Or a new rat, you always liked Scabbers-" 
     "Mum," Ron interrupts sounding hopeful. "Can I have a new broom?" Mrs. Weasley's face falls slightly. Brooms are expensive. I have never looked myself, but Cedric has told me. In our third year, he got me my first broom for Christmas and my birthday. He felt bad that it wasn't a great one, but I loved it anyway. Until now I have been using it. 
     "Not a really good one. Just a new one for a change," Ron adds quickly. Mrs Weasley hesitantly smiles. "Of course you can. Well, I'd better get going if I've got a broom to buy too. I'll see you later. Little Ronnie a prefect! And don't forget to pack your trunks." She kisses Ron's cheek once more before walking out. 
     Fred and George give each other looks before looking at Ron. "You don't mind if we don't kiss you, do you, Ron?" Fred asks in a falsely anxious voice."We could curtsy if you like," George says."Oh, shut up," Ron says, scowling at them."Or what?" Fred asks, an evil grin spreading across his face. "Going to put us in detention?"
     "I'd love to see him try," sniggered George."He could if you don't watch out!" Hermione says angrily, at which Fred and George burst out laughing and Ron mutters, "Drop it, Hermione."  "We're going to have to watch our step, George," Fred says, pretending to tremble, "with these two on our case. . . ."  "Yeah, it looks like our law-breaking days are finally over," George says, shaking his head.
     With that, they disapparate out of the room. We can hear them laughing upstairs. I smile at Ron. "Ignore them. Congratulations. To both of you," I say to him and Hermione before walking out. When I get upstairs to the twin's room they are still laughing. I roll my eyes at them. Reno is no longer in here. I look around and see that Larry is gone as well. He must have gone to clean his cage. 
     The twins start to throw things into two piles next to their trunks. "That is how you pack?" I ask while watching them. "What's wrong with it?" Fred asks. "It's going to get all messed up anyway," George adds. I shake my head and walk over and start filing their clothes and putting them in their trunk for them. 
     The only thing they carefully pack is their products and their materials. I roll my eyes at them before sitting down on Fred's bed. By the time I finally have everything folded and put away for them they are sitting go on the floor talking about more ideas. I lean back on Fred's bed and watch them. 
     "Your stuff is packed. You're welcome," I say a bit quietly. They beam up at me. "Thanks!" They say in unison. I roll my eyes. George gets up. "I'm going to get a shower before everyone else wants one," He says before walking out. 
      Fred gets up and sits next to me. "Have you decided if you are going to move in with us yet?" he asks. I shake my head. "No. I haven't thought about it a lot," I lie. I have actually thought about it a good bit. "Well, I think it would be fun if you did. You could show us muggle stuff and we could play pranks of George," he says with a wide smile. 
     "I'm sure there would be fun times. That isn't what I am worried about," I say while sitting up. "What are you worried about?"  "Don't take this the wrong way. But you and George aren't the most responsible. I wouldn't want to end up basically being your house-elf and doing all the cleaning and chores and important stuff," I say quietly. I hope he doesn't take offence to that. 
     He thinks for a few seconds before putting his arm around me and gently pulling me over to him. "Love, we aren't going to make you do everything. I know we aren't the most responsible, but when we have our shop and flat things will change. We might be a little messy, but just yell at us and we will step it up," he says in a comforting voice. 
     I look at him and he smiles at me. I can't help but smile back. "I dunno. I still have to think about it," I say while stretching my arms again. He smiles more and wraps his arms around me and pushes me down onto the be and lays on me. I laugh. "What are you doing?" I ask him curiously. He has his head resting on my chest. 
     "Laying down," He answers simply. "On me?"  "Yea. You're comfy," He says with a light laugh. I lightly laugh and try to push him off. He is too heavy to move though. we both laugh. "You are hurting me, Fred," I say with a laugh. He laughs too when speaking. "How am I hurting you? I am just laying here."  "Because of your weight on my chest."  "What do you mean? Your weight doesn't hurt my chest."  "You also don't have boobs," I say with a slightly embarrassed laugh. 
     He laughs more too before sitting up but still leaning over me. He looks at me, a smile on his face. "Is that what that is? I thought you just had pillows on your chest." I laugh more and try to push him off. "You ass," I say while still laughing. He is laughing too. He scoots up so and lays down so he is laying on my shoulder. "Is that better?" He asks. I nod and wrap my arms around him and lightly play with his hair. 
     "Aw, aren't you just adorable," Reno says while walking in before making a gagging sound. I smile and ignore him. He sets down the cage that has Larry in it before walking out again. Fred looks up at me with a smile. I smile back before he lightly kisses me. It is a small kiss. It feels as though as soon as it starts it ends and he is laying his head back down. 
      George walks in soon later with wet hair. He walks over and plops on the bed and lays on Fred. "Cuddle party!" he yells. Fred and I laugh before pushing him off and sitting up. I lean against the wall and watch as the twins get up and sit on the floor to talk more about their stuff. 
     Reno comes in soon later and sits with me. He and I talk to each other, the twins move to the other side of the room and whisper to each other, ensuring that Reno won't overhear them. When dinner comes around we walk down, meeting Harry, Hermione, and Ron in the basement. 
     There is a scarlet banner over the dinner table, which read "Congratulations Ron and Hermione and Reno — new prefects". Mrs Weasley looks like she is in a better mood than I had seen her all holiday.
     "I thought we'd have a little party, not a sit-down dinner," she tells me, Reno, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Ginny. "Your father and Bill are on their way, Ron, I've sent them both owls and they're thrilled," she added, beaming. Fred rolls his eyes. Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, and Kingsley Shacklebolt were already there and Mad-Eye Moody stumped in shortly. It isn't long before everyone else gets back as well. 
     I get a cup of butterbeer and stand with Reno against the wall. "Well, I think a toast is in order," Mr. Weasley says when everyone gets a drink. He raises his goblet. "To Ron and Hermione, the new Gryffindor prefects!" Everyone toasts and drinks to them. They have bigger smiles than I have seen them in months.
     "I was never a prefect myself," said Tonks brightly as everybody moves toward the table to help themselves to food. Her hair was tomato-red and waist-length today. She looked like Ginny's older sister. "My Head of House said I lacked certain necessary qualities."  "Like what?" Ginny asks. "Like the ability to behave myself," Tonks says with a smile. Ginny laughs.
     Hermione looked as though she did not know whether to smile or not and compromised by taking an extra-large gulp of butterbeer and choking on it. "What about you, Sirius?" Ginny asks, thumping Hermione on the back. Sirius lets out his usual barklike laugh.
     "No one would have made me a prefect, I spent too much time in detention with James. Lupin was the good boy, he got the badge."  "I think Dumbledore might have hoped that I would be able to exercise some control over my best friends," said Lupin. "I need scarcely say that I failed dismally." 
     I slightly smile and walk over to Fred who is standing by himself. He smiles at me. "I was actually about to go talk business with Mundungus," he says to me. "Oh okay. I will go back over to Reno then," I say a little disappointed. He kisses my head before joining George and Mundungus on the other side of the room. I sigh lightly and walk to the other side of the room to Reno.
     He smiles at me. I lightly smile back. "Feel out of place?" he asks me. I nod. "Me too." I'm sure he always feels a lot more out of place than I do. I am the only one he really knows here. I at least am close with the twins. And Harry is my brother. All Reno has here is me. 
     We stay for a while and get a little to eat. Reno leaves first, saying he is going to shower then pack. I decide I should go pack. I make sure to take my time. I know I will have trouble sleeping. By the time Ginny and Hermione come in, I still haven't finished. When they come in I speed it up a bit. They will want to sleep soon and I don't want to keep them up. 

Dealing with Ourselves : Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now