Chapter 45 - Visitor from the past

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Alek POV

"Is this all?"

"Yes sir" Fiorina nodded as she gave me the file, "Mr. Ivanov told me to hand this over to you"

"Zane came?" I looked at her

"Yes sir he came a few minutes ago and left"

"You can leave now Fiorina" she nod her head and walked to the door as Katelin my secretary walked in, "what is it Kate?"

"This number has being calling the reception since yesterday" she gave me a piece of paper with a phone number written, "the person was repeatedly asking for a woman called Gabriella Marcello at first then the same number asked for Emmeline Steele"

"Emmeline Steele?"

"Yes sir and since there is nobody named like that here the receptionist had ignored it but she felt like the call should be reported to you sir"

"Transfer me the recorded calls of this number now" I ordered.

"Also sir there has been a person requesting your presence since yesterday when you left" she showed me her ipad, "the person who is seated in the corner"

"Lock down the building immediately and inform the reception to evacuate everyone to the west side of the building now" I grabbed my coat and stood up, "connect me to the control room" I left my office room and strode to the main elevator. I looked down as I see the crowd moving towards the west side showing me a clean view of the person seated who was directly staring at me.

"Mr. Royal?"

"Hertz I need you to shut down the cameras on the east and make sure that they will be no records of the east side today and it will stay shut down until I change my orders"

"Yes Mr. Royal" he cut his call and I called Levin


"Yes Mr. Alek" his reply came, "what is it?"

"Get the squad 3 with you and come to the east immediately"

"On our way" the elevator dinged and opened

I stepped out as she stood up and her guards stepped forward with her. From my peripheral view I saw my men surround the area. Levin and Dundee stepped in with me.

"Oh how good is it to see you Nicholas Viotto, the legendary Nightingale--

"Cut the chase what do you want?" I spat making sure to tell her that I hate even the mere presence of her.

"Oh Nick" she stepped forward and signaled her guards to stop as she walked, "I thought we would be more friendlier than this after all we did have something special"

"Olivia what the fuck are you doing in my territory?!" she placed her manicured fingers on me, "I am sure I fucking told you not to even come around me and you know whatever we had in the past was just me trying to keep Emmeline away from me"

"I would have complied with you if  you met the certain conditions I thought you would" she stared at me, "but unfortunately she had to come back to your life didn't she?" she chuckled, "you should have known Nick no one can get close to you"

"Olivia neither you or any other girl can tell me what to do" I pushed her fingers off me and stepped back, "and whatever is happening in my life doesn't involve you and neither do I need your approval to know how i should work out my life"

She glared at me angrily, "I am sorry to say but I think I am already involved in your life and to prove it, I shall send you a gift" she smirked, "look forward to seeing it Nick and when you do see it you will know who the next is" she stepped away and walked with her guards.

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