10 | Cuteness Overload

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3rd Person PoV
1 and a half year timeskip
Mist Estate

"Ohayo Mui-kun~!!" Y/n waved to him, entering the mist estate, Muichiro look at her before waving, smiling slightly

Greeting each other became a everyday thing for the two of them, not a single day they will miss greeting each other, well except when going out missions

"My crow informed me, that I'm going in a mission with Two Hashiras, Mui-kun!!" she cheerfully said, clapping her hands together with a flowery aura but a hint of bloodlust.

"...Yes, I kinda forgot but okay, come back alive" he exclaimed, his lips is slightly upwards

She squealed and hugged him before carrying him in the armpits like a child.

"L/N-chan, please put me down..." His monotone voice said, but the words fell deaf on her ears as she hugged him again

"Your so cute Mui-kun!! I can just die peacefully already!!"

"I don't want you to die, L/N-chan"

"AHHH you're so cuteee when you say my name like that!! And I told to call me by my First name" She pouted cutely as Muichiro slightly blushed at the sight, he quickly look away and mumbled


And that's where she dramatically fainted with a nosebleed, not that she mind it.

Ubuyashiki Estate

"You took the trouble to fly back"

Oyakata-sama held his dear crow by the head, who is exhausted and heavily breathing.

"My slayers should be virtually annihilated by now"

"The Twelve Demon Moons might be there as well"

"Looks like I have to send in the Pillars"




"Yes sir"
"Yes sir"
"Yes sir"

"It would be ideal if humans could get along with demons" Shinobu suggested

"Don't you think so, Mr. Tomioka and Ms. L/n?" She questioned

"That is utter none sense, as long as demons don't quit eating humans" Giyu argued, looking forward not bothering to turn to Shinobu.

"Hmmm, if humans and demons get along, I won't have any blood by now!" Y/n exclaimed, interwining her hands together with a smile

"Hmmm, if humans and demons get along, I won't have any blood by now!" Y/n exclaimed, interwining her hands together with a smile

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"Go, I don't want my slayers to suffer anymore."

"Yes sir"
"Yes sir"
"Yes sir"

They bowed before disappeared into thin air.


The three of them is now jumping to tree to tree. when they arrive, they saw many bodies

Y/n blushed at the sight, she cupped her cheeks.

"T-There so many blood...I can drink them already..."

"Ara Y/n, we're not her for blood- I mean- yeah we're here for demons"

"It's just the same thing, Shinobu-san~!"

Giyu just stand there, staring at the corpse that have been stabbed in the back.

"Giyu-san, do you know any of them?" Y/n asked, pointing a finger on her chin

"It seems there's no survivor in this area." Shinobu continued, looking at her shoulder

"According to the report, a few new Mizunoto-ranked members arrived and went up the mountain shortly."

"Maybe they're all dead." Y/n cheerfully stated

"Let's go" Giyu said

"The moon is so beautiful."

The three of them running through the forest, looking for the demons

"We're finally on a mission together, let's get along well!" Shinobu smiled

"I came here to slay demons" Giyu bluntly said

"You're so cold"

"Let's go our seperate ways here. I'll search from the west" Shinobu declared, jumping high

"I'll search from the east, plus I smell blood there" Y/n said to Giyu, before jumping into the bush

"Understood..." Giyu said, running straight ahead

A/n : it's finally the Mountain arc!!



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