18 | The Flame Hashira

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3nd Person PoV

Y/n walked to the Rengoku Estate and knock in the door. Kyojuro invited her to train with him.

The door opened to reveal his younger brother, Senjoru Rengoku. Senjuro quickly blush at the sight of Y/n In their doorstep.
"Come in, n-nii-chan is at the backyard" Senjuro stuttered

"Thank you Senjuro-kun~ " She cooed while going inside. Meanwhile, Senjruo tried to hide his flustered state and slowly followed her

She walk inside and saw Kyojuro doing push-ups and mumbling numbers. Noticing Y/n, Kyojuro visibly beamed.

"Ah! Y/n you're finally here!" He said standing up, walking up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Kyojuro!" She hugged back.

Kyojuro let go and look at her lovingly "Shall we start?" Kyojuro ask

"Of course!"

2nd Person PoV (you, your, yourself ) Timeskip

"Kyojuroo~ Let's go eat Soba!!" Y/n panted. After defeating Kyojuro in a practice duel. You're exhausted.

"O-Of course!" Kyojuro also panted.

Fun fact: you're a really annoying opponent to deal with, because of your speed, flexibility, and drawing out knives out of nowhere.

"Now let's go" Kyojuro enthusiasticly said

Exiting the estate, the two of you walk the village.

Your conversation are just randomly like 'cheese or butter'. You're still confused what's the difference and Kyojuro explain it to you with a yell.

"Sooo...." You began "I heard you're new mission"

"Ah yes! there's sightings of an Upper Moon! I'm boarding the train tommorow." Kyojuro chirp

"Watch out for Lower Moon 1..." You mumbled, furrowed eyebrows

Kyojuro look at you questionably "What?"

"H-Hm? Wh-What? Nothing! Let's go!" You beamed. You grabbed his hand and drag him to the restaurant. Kyojuro blush but nodded

You two take your seats and the waiter ask the order. The waiter nervously sweated the order

"U-Umm...I-It's all of that?" The waiter said nervously

"Oh! I think there's something wrong with the order" You smiled. The waiter sigh in relief and quickly gone back to normal

"It's 35 tempuras not 30, and also 25 sobas thank you!" You smiled before facing Kyojuro who smiled at you

The waiter paled "Pl-Please wait here"

The waiter run to the kitchen as you hear agony screams.

You sigh before patiently waiting for your food and Kyojuro who's talking to you

"Oh! The three boys with the demon is accompanying you right?" You said out of blue


"Hmmmm" You hummed loudly in agreement

The waiter place your food in the table.

You used your chopsticks and slurped the soba. "Tasty! Tasty!" Kyojuro chanted every bite he gets


"Tasty...." You mumbled "Tasty! Tasty! Tasty!" You also chanted along with Kyojuro.

You spotted Mitsuri with Obanai. You wave over to them. They sit on the spare chairs infront of your table.

Kyojuro didn't stop chanting. While you just chatted with Mitsuri and Obanai

"Mitsuri-chan! Are you two in a date?!" You pointed out happily.

They blush "N-No Y/N-chan! We're just friends!" Mitsuri said.

You could see an arrow stab through Obanai's chest.

You sigh "if you say so." Before going back to slurping your soba

They sweatdropped before ordering they're own food.

𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘏𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘢 》 KnYWhere stories live. Discover now