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Where is Uncle Remus? 

As I'm walking through Kings Cross Station I notice muggles surrounding me.

Muggles are extraordinary honestly. The fact that they have no clue that there's a magical world beyond them, is thrilling. We do things that they couldn't comprehend in their brains, from potions to spells. Muggles fascinate me. Their weird occupations, their weird habits like for example, something that I've always wanted to do, clubbing.

I've heard about it. You get dressed in the best outfit you can, go out with your friends and have a great time. Who wouldn't want to try it? 

"Ah, there you are Y/n."

"Uncle Remus!"

"How are you kid? I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I'm doing great, except for the whole moving thing."

"You'll be just fine Y/n. I know you will."

One thing crossed my mind. 

How the heck are we supposed to get to Hogwarts? 

"Uh.. uncle?"


"How do we get to Hogwarts?"

"That right there."

I look over to see what my uncle is pointing at.

A brick wall.

A literal brick wall. 

"That's a wall uncle."

"I know."

Uncle Remus runs through the wall, disappearing without a trace. That's probably the most unusual place to get to Hogwarts.

I guess I'll just follow his lead? I swear if I run into a brick wall and it doesn't work, he's getting it.

Alright, here it goes...

I run through the wall closing my eyes nervously...

And boom. There I am on the other side. The wizarding world side.

"Uncle, what the heck was that exactly?"

"That Y/n, that's platform 9 3/4."

"Platform 9 3/4?"

"It'll take us to Hogwarts. The train ride will be 9 hours long, so I hope you've gotten enough rest."

9 hours long? As if getting to England was hard enough, I've got to sit on a train for a total of 9 hours with absolutely nothing to do? How exciting.

As we board the train and take our seats, I think about who I will meet at Hogwarts. Will I make friends right away? What classes will I be taking? What house will I be sorted into?

My father Galton Scamander was sorted into the Hufflepuff house, the same goes with my grandpa, Newt Scamander. He's very well known throughout London with his help of defeating Grindelwald and most importantly the care of his creatures. I hope I'm sorted into Hufflepuff because if I don't I feel like I'll be an embarrassment to my family. I don't want that at all.

I've heard of the other houses of course. There's Gryffindor, the house of chivalry, courage, and determination. Then there's Ravenclaw, the house of wit, wisdom, and learning. The house that I want to get sorted into Hufflepuff, is the house of dedication, loyalty, and patience.

Then there's the last house. Slytherin. I've heard many things about the Slytherin house. I've heard that many bad people have been sorted into it and that Slytherins are most likely to turn to the dark side. "He Who Must Not Be Named" was a Slytherin and most of his followers are from the house of Slytherin too.

I can't get sorted into Slytherin. I'm too scared too.

"It looks like we will be arriving soon."


"Yes, Y/n. Dear, are you sure you're ready for this?"

"No, not really. But what am I going to do?"

"I know it's tough Y/n, but you'll get the hang of it. I need to leave now. Headmaster Dumbledore will be outside on the platform waiting for you."

"How do I know who Dumbledore is?"

"He's the really old guy with the white beard. He won't be hard to miss."

"Ok got you. Bye, Uncle Remus!"

I'm now on my own. The nerves inside are building up and I don't know if I can contain it. I haven't admitted it to myself, but this whole situation has been hard. I don't know if I'll be able to do it. I'm basically restarting my whole life. My life was at Ilvermorny. 

Now it's at Hogwarts.

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