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"Y/n... Why'd you leave me?"

I start to hear faint whispers echoing in my sleep. This has never happened before. It's so quiet and faint, but I can make out what the young man is whispering.

He's asking why I left him.

But I haven't left anyone? At least not that I know of.

"Y/n please come back to me..." The whispers continue.

All of a sudden, an image flashes in my head. It's a young man wearing a black suit. I couldn't quite make a face out of him. He has pale skin, brown hair, and dark eyes, but the rest is a blur. I've never seen this man in my life.

I wake up in a cold sweat with chills running down my spine

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I wake up in a cold sweat with chills running down my spine. This has never happened to me before. I can't tell if it was a dream, or if it was a vision. A vision telling me something. I'm sweating profusely and I feel extremely nauseous. I don't know what's happening and it's honestly terrifying me.

The only thing to do is get over whatever the heck just happened and go back to sleep. It's not like it will happen again...


I start to wake up as I hear people scattering around in my dorm room. I forgot that I had to have roommates. I'm used to it, back in Ilvermorny I had to share a dorm with 3 other girls. It was fun, we all got along, but I'd prefer being by myself.

"We're going to be late!"

"Be quiet Daphne! We don't want to wake up Y/n. She doesn't have to get up just yet!" I recognized that voice. It was Pansy Parkinson.


I wanted it known that I was up, so they didn't have to be quiet for me. So, I sit up while still exhausted.

"It's okay guys I'm up," I say as I rub my eyes. The dream that I had made me feel restless. As some people would say, it feels like I got hit by a truck. A giant one.

"Sorry if we woke you, Y/n. I'm Daphne Greengrass, it's nice to meet you," She said with a kind smile on her face.

I look up to see her. She's breathtakingly beautiful. She has beautiful long dark brunette hair that hits her waist. She had these bright blue ocean eyes. "Hi, Daphne, I'm Y/n Scamander, it's nice to meet you," I said as still smiled.

"Silly we know who you are, you've been the talk of the school for days," says a girl with black curly hair. She was also pretty, she has dark brown eyes, and she was well-built.

"Be quiet Millicent, we don't need Y/n stressing out about that!" says Pansy, in a frustrated tone. She looks over to me with a small pout on her face. She's saying sorry without actually saying it.

"It's okay really." As unfortunate as the circumstances are, it's true. Everyone in school does know my name and my family. They know about my dad, my grandpa, and how they were sorted into Hufflepuff while I, Y/n Scamander, just got sorted into Slytherin house. I bet my father knows by now and all the wizards in London. "I didn't expect anything less."

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