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As I walk by in the corridor alone heading to my next class, I hear Dumbledore and McGonagall talking. They are whispering, but not well. I hear them whispering about Diagon Alley.

"What about Diagon Alley?" McGonagall asks in a curious tone. She looks at Dumbledore with a frown on her face. "Did something happen?"

"Diagon Alley has been attacked," Dumbledore says in a whisper. I hear him just enough to make out what he is saying. "Diagon Alley has been attacked, we believe it is to get our attention," he says with a frown on his face.

"Where has it been attacked?" McGonagall asks with concern.

"Ollivanders," Dumbledore says while slowly turning his head towards me. He spots me and gives me a frown. He knew I was eavesdropping, so he put his arm around McGonagall leading her to another section of the castle.

I couldn't risk it, to hear them again, and what they are talking about. As they walk I head back to my dorm, but on the way, I hear an announcement for all the students to report to the Great Hall. As I walk to the Great Hall, I see Hermione. She runs to me to catch up.

"Hey Y/n, do you know what this is about?" she asked while catching her breath.

"No, I don't," I said lying through my teeth. I knew what it was about, well at least I think I know. The attack. I think it's about the attack. We enter the Great Hall to see all the students sitting at their tables. "I'm going to go sit at my table, I'll see you after."

I walk over to my table, and yet the only seat available is next to Draco Malfoy. I wonder why no one wants to sit with him. I could think of a few reasons why. I sit down and he gives me a nasty face like always. I ignore him, I don't want him to get the best of me.

"I have an announcement to make," Dumbledore says loudly at his podium. Everyone stops talking and turns their heads toward the front of the Great Hall, at Dumbledore. "It has come to our attention that Diagon Alley has been attacked by Death Eaters."

Everybody starts to whisper, you can hear the panic in their voices.

"Death Eaters? I thought they disappeared when 'You Know Who' disappeared?" a little girl who sits next to me asks. I look at her with a calm smile.

"It's okay, I'm sure it's nothing," I say to her.

"Because of this, we are making it mandatory for students to sleep in the Great Hall tonight," Dumbledore says, loudly.

Everybody starts to groan in annoyance because of this new rule. I think it's ridiculous, I doubt the Death Eaters didn't want anything from us, so why do this?

"It is only for your safety and protection," Dumbledore says while staring into my eyes. "Until we know what the threat is, it is better for you to stay under our watch. That is all."

Everybody starts looking at each other wondering what the heck is happening. As everyone starts to get up and head to their dorms to get dressed and come back down to sleep in the Great Hall, Draco and I's eyes lock for just a second. I ignore it and head up to my dorm.

As I enter my dorm, I see Pansy having a tantrum. She's furious.

"Why do we have to sleep in the Great Hall?!" she says, furiously. "The Death Eaters don't matter, Voldemort is gone!"

"You aren't supposed to say his name!" Daphne says in a frightened voice. "It's not allowed!"

"I don't care what is and what's not allowed, Daphne," she says while rolling her eyes. Millicent is sitting on her bed watching the argument unfold. She seems unbothered like this happens often.

I walk into the room with a frown on my face. I feel bad for Daphne, she seems like she is pushed around by Pansy.

"Hi guys," I say with a shy tone. "Are you both okay?"

"No! We have to sleep in the Great Hall with everybody in the school. That doesn't sit right with me," Pansy says with her arms crossed angrily.

"I know it's not the best situation, but hopefully this will be the only night we will have to sleep there," I say trying to persuade her to not be a brat.

She looks at me, rolls her eyes, and storms out of the dorm with a small bag in her hand. Millicent looks at me and shrugs. Daphne watches Pansy leave the room with a frown.

"Daphne, are you okay?" I ask, concerned because of Pansy's actions.

"I'm alright, she's like this a lot, we both get used to it," she says trying to force a smile.

"Let's head down to the Great Hall then," Millicent says while trying to avoid eye contact with me. She rushes out of the room with her bag too. Daphne follows after her.

As I pack my bag, alone in the dorm room, I start to hear the whispers again.

"Y/n..." it said in a quiet whisper.

I look around the room trying to find out who is whispering, or maybe a what. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and the whispering stops. Why is this happening to me? I don't know who or what is whispering, but it's getting scary and frustrating. It only started when I entered Hogwarts, but why and how do I have a connection with Hogwarts? I've never been here before, so there isn't a way. I grab the bag that I finished packing and head down to the Great Hall.

Everybody is already in their sleeping bags. I look up at the ceiling and see the milky way. They used an enchantment to make it seem peaceful, but it's not working. I don't think anyone is calm.

I find a spot and place my sleeping bag down. I crawl in, and then close my eyes, hoping to get just an ounce of sleep. I hear the footsteps of two people walk up to me.

"I fear this attack has something to do with Y/n," says Dumbledore. I could tell it was him just by his voice. "We need to protect her," he says while whispering.

I don't think they know I'm awake. I try to be completely still so I can get more out of their conversation.

"I agree, sir," says a deep voice. I don't recognize that voice, so I couldn't tell who it is.

"We need to protect her from Voldemort and his son," he says while still whispering, but you could hear the fear in his voice. "If he does we are all in danger."

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