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I wake up the next morning feeling groggy and irritable. Once again, I couldn't get a good night's sleep because of those horrible dreams. It was the same one from the night before with the man asking why I left him. Nothing eventful happened yesterday either. Hermione showed me around the castle, I got stared at, and I learned what classes I have to take this morning.

I get up from my bed and put on my robes. My first class is Divination with professor Trewlaney. I wonder what divination is. I put up my hair in a messy bun and leave the dorm. I felt lazy today. I didn't feel like putting on makeup or doing my hair nice. After last night I didn't even feel like getting out of bed.

I leave my dorm walking to the next class. Here it is, classroom 11, divination class with professor Trewlaney. I walk into the class and see a bunch of people sitting down. I'm late. I'm freaking late to my first day of class.

"Ahh you must be y/n," says a crazy woman with big glasses and crazy poofy hair. She looks at me with a wide smile on her face. "Come take a seat." She shows me to my seat. 

It's next to Draco Malfoy. Great.

He rolls his eyes at me and scoffs. What a gentleman. 

"So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you. Books can take you only so far in this field..."

That's great.  A class where we get to see into the future. 

"Look at the cup, tell me what you see!" she says in a loud and enthusiastic voice.

I look down and see a teacup with a bunch of soggy brown stuff. "What are we supposed to be doing?" I whisper to Draco. Yet, he doesn't respond. He just rolls his eyes like he always does. I raise my hand. "Excuse me, professor, What are we supposed to be doing?"

"Let me see your cup dear," she says as she takes my cup and looks down. She gasps and backs away in fear. 

"What is it?" I utter in fear. "What do you see professor?" 

"The giant, spectral dog that haunts churchyards! My dear, it is an omen—the worst omen—of death!" she says in absolute fear. "Danger is lurking around you, my dear!"

Everyone in the room goes silent and I'm shaking nervously. There's no way that this is true. I haven't encountered any danger in my life. Why now? Why when I come to Hogwarts?

"That can't be true," I respond. 

"Oh but dear, the omen of death is in your future!" She says looking at me with crazy eyes. "It is your destiny!" 

I get up and storm out of the room. I don't want to be hearing this, partially because I know that it can't be true. There's absolutely no way that I am going to be facing death in my upcoming future. I've always been safe. As I storm out, Draco looks at me with a nasty face. He's just looking at me up and down. He rolls his eyes, oh his famous eye roll. 

Hermione follows behind me, "Y/n! Wait up!" she yells. She catches up to me. "Y/n what was that about? Why storm out?" she asks concerned.

"I stormed out because she said what I didn't want to hear," I admit in defeat. If it is true god knows what my future holds.

"Y/n it's okay, I doubt any of it's real," she says trying to deny it herself. 

Hermione has been my only close friend so far. "Let's go get lunch?" I ask her, hoping to forget all about what just happened.

"Of course. I heard that the house-elves are serving shepherd's pie," she says with a smile on her face.

As we walk towards the Great Hall, Cedric, the boy from yesterday approaches us. "Hey Y/n, Hermione."

I look at Hermione with wide eyes and me holding in my laugh. Cedric, at this point, is our little inside joke. Hermione explained to me that he has a "thing" for me, and I could care less. I'm not here for romance, I'm here to graduate and then do my own thing.

"Well hello, Cedric," she says with tears forming in her eyes. The thing is, these weren't sad tears, they were "I'm holding in my laugh and trying not to cry tears." 

"I'm sorry Cedric, we have to go," I say running off with Hermione's hand in mine. We burst out laughing while running. 

"Y/n you got to tell him you don't find him interesting!" she says while bursting out laughing. 

"I know, I know! This is just too funny," I laugh.

"Let's head to the Great Hall now," she says.

We sit down at a table. Classes haven't been dismissed yet, so I don't think it matters that I'm not sitting with my house.

"So Y/n what's the gossip, what are the boys like in America?" she asks blatantly. 

"Uhh, well the boys are boys," I say. I've only ever dated one guy and that was in my 6th year. He was great, but I had to move to London. It broke him, and I. 

"Well, I had a boyfriend in my 6th year," I murmur. 

"You did? Who was he? What was he like?" The questions start to pile in. 

"Well his name was Joshua, he was sweet, kind, and he was my first love," I say with a sigh. I'm obviously still not over him, but I need to move on.

As I say that, Draco walks by and scoffs. "Who would ever love someone like you?" he asks with an evil grin on his face.

The audacity of this evil little twat looking blonde piece of- 

"How dare you speak to her like that?" Hermione demands. She's mad.

"How dare you speak to me you little mudblood?" He says with his nose scrunching in anger.

Now he crossed the limit. I get up from the bench and go up to Draco. We are now face to face. "Now Draco, what you're going to do is leave this room, and leave Hermione and me alone for the rest of the year," I say with a smirk on my face. "You got that?"

He looks at me up and down, and with a short reply, he says, "No." 

"Well now I'm going to have to do this," I say with a smirk still plastered on my face. I then use my knee full force and kick him in his privates. He groans in pain.

"Y/n what the hell?!" he screams in pain. "Wait until my father hears about this!" he screams and storms off.

At this point, there is a whole crowd surrounding us. Everyone is laughing and Hermione is shocked that I just did that for her. 

"Bloody hell, Y/n... Did you just do that?" A voice asks from the crowd. He has red hair and bright eyes. 

I have no clue who he is, but I reply with, "Yeah, I guess I just did."

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