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Here it is. The big moment that almost everyone has been waiting for. The moment of truth some would call it.

I am finally entering Hogwarts. The place where the next year of my life will be determined by which house I get sorted into.
As Professor Dumbledore and I enter the castle, I can't help but feel a huge pit in my stomach. The kind that makes you queasy and nacreous. The feeling has been there ever since I've arrived in London, but it's just gotten worse, and worse. I feel like I'm about to perform a solo in front of 10,000 people.

"Are you ready to meet your home for the next year, y/n?" Dumbledore asked with a smile plastered onto his face. He looks up taking in the glorious view of the castle.

"Yes. I guess I am," I say, looking up at the castle with him.

As I walk through the front entrance I see some students walking to this large, grand, room. The ceilings are high with beautiful luminescent candles burning, the windows surrounding the walls showing the beauty of the outside world. And most importantly the hundreds of students sitting at their tables organized by house.

But there's one student in particular that stands out the most. The pale blond boy staring right into my soul. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. "Who is he?" I ask myself. He's wearing the school robes with a green tie. Green equals Slytherin. He must be no good. I can't interact with anyone apart of the Slytherin house for my own good. I can't get into trouble this year. I need to graduate and get back home to America.

"Well here we are, Y/n," Dumbledore says excitingly. "This is the Great Hall. This is where the sorting ceremony takes place."

"So when will I be sorted sir?" I ask hiding my nervousness with politeness.

"Well right now of course!" He says in a happy tone. Dumbledore walks to the podium where he gets everyone to be silent. Everyone in the room has their attention toward Dumbledore. Now would be a good time to sneak out and leave right? "I would like to introduce a new student-"

Never mind.

"May I introduce Y/n Scamander!" Everyone starts to turn and face me. I feel as if everyone is staring into my soul. I feel as if they're judging me.

I start to walk toward the podium very slowly. I hear people's whispers. Too many people are whispering that I can't even hear what they are talking about. Probably how I'm a Scamander. Our family is very popular in London. I'm not surprised.

"Y/n, may you please take a seat dear?" An old woman says. She has her hair tied back with a witches hat covering it. She has an emerald green robe down to her feet. I try to make out what she's saying, but it's difficult with her thick Scottish accent. But, I take a seat anyway understanding her enough.

"Oh no.." I think to myself. I see an old man carrying the sorting hat to the old lady in the green robes. This is it. The moment that decides what house I will be in.

I feel the sorting hat being placed on top of my head. It feels cold in some way. All of a sudden it starts to move.

"Hmmm very interesting," the hat says.
At this moment only, I think to myself, "Please be Hufflepuff, please be Hufflepuff, please be Hufflepuff.." I know the sorting hat takes your thoughts into consideration, and I was hoping it would do it with me.

But then the dreaded words came out.

The whole room goes silent... All Scamanders are known to be in Hufflepuff. Not one Scamander has ever been sorted into Slytherin.
The whispers start back up. Everyone has a confused look on their faces, even some of the professors. I knew it was too good to be true. It couldn't be any other house couldn't have it? It had to be Slytherin. The house of troublemakers. Oh, what my father would think about this situation. I don't think he'll be happy.

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