Chapter 11.

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"You seem nervous?" Lance commented as he popped up beside Pidge who jumped slightly.

"I-I'm not, just taking in the view" Pidge replied with a slight frown and turning her head away as the taller boy raised an eyebrow over the obvious lie. Her phone held to let Lance read what she said.

"It's a building with a swimming pool inside. Not much of a view, I mean the stalls are shoved within in the entrance area and on the gym on the second floor but you won't see all that from the outside" Lance sighed as he placed his hands on his hips since they stood outside the building while the others went inside.

"I just, I've never been good with crowds and w-well I'm a little scared. I've never hanged out with a huge group of friends before, It was mostly just me and Keith. Sure, Matt and Shiro joined us sometimes but hanging with you're brothers isn't the same as friends time" Pidge rambled a little, her fingers typing away making Lance lean down to read the words on the screen since she angled the phone a little.

"Don't worry, everyone has nerves when they first go to meet up with friends or on the walk to meeting them. You think about you're outfit or how you look or if they actually like you or not. You have tons of things to think over but as soon as you see you're friends, all that mostly hides away and you have a great time together instead. We just need to get you threw those doors first" Lance smiled brightly, standing up straight once again and seeming slightly excited for the task of helping Pidge enter into the whole knew world of group friends.

"B-But what if I'm too awkward or nervous all day and spoil it for the others?" Pidge asked in slight panic, her hand shaking making her phone do the same.

"No one will care about how you feel, we'll make you have fun one way or another and soon you won't even notice how much you're smiling or laughing with us. Come on, let's go make that memory for you" Lance grinned, his eyes shining bright as he grabbed her free hand before running forward towards the door, pulling her along.

"W-Wait .. K-Keith" Pidge tried calling out forgetting her voice wasn't coming out of her mouth and she just mouthed it all. She stuck the heel of her shoes down and yanked back almost making both of them fall over at the sudden halt.

"Wha- I will carry you inside if I have to" Lance yelped before turning to her with a serious expression, he was fully ready to carry her inside to help her past the nerve wracking part of a meet up.

Pidge shook her head, pulling her arm free before lifting her phone for him to understand why they came to a sudden stop.

"Keith, Me and him were told to wait outside for the last lot to arrive. Adam, Shiro and Matt went inside already to sign our names down and let the staff know our team was arriving so they knew we're still playing in the games later. Rolo and Nyma are instead already since they got lost when driving here and needed a bathroom break as soon as they arrived. It just leaves Sven and James to arrive now you're here. Hunk arrived but he was feeling a bit travel sickness making Keith help him to sit at the bench for a bit and get him some water .. they're both over there" Pidge explained, moving her lips as she held out her phone to Lance for him to read in case she was moving her lips to fast for him to read.

"OH" Lance breathed out as Pidge nodded before popping her phone away, rolling her eyes a little.

"So, you haven't entered because you still have to be the waiting pole for James and Sven when they arrive. Why not text them where we all meeting up inside or something" Lance replied as he rubbed his neck a little feeling rather silly for dragging her along behind him earlier. Pidge tapped her chin to make sure he focused on her lips since she didn't feel like getting her phone out again for a bit.

"No signal inside the building and it's rather busy. We can't promise to keep in one spot while waiting for the rest, that's why me and Keith waited out here for us to gather around before heading in. The other's who went inside will be waving us over once they're done checking in and gaining us a badge that proves we're a team .. it will let us threw the chaining rooms since a staff member will be guarding the entrance to each changing room to help protect everyone stuff and stop others from wondering in when some might be changing. They closed off the whole pool area to keep it free for the team's who'll playing" Pidge explained, talking slow and making sure Lance caught each word. She felt slightly embarrassed as she could feel his intense stare on her lips the whole time, he really was giving it his all to read what she says.

"Understood, well let's go find Keith and Hunk. We should check on the Hunk baby if he's feeling travel sickness, it normally fades once he got fresh air and sat down for a good twenty minutes. Sven and James should be able to see us from a bench and if not we'll just call out to them" Lance replied with a friendly smile and looked around for the bench their two friends were using.

Pidge tugged on his jacket sleeve before pointing to where there two friends were sitting. Lance gave a small nod before they started walking, he glanced over to the shorter women beside him and smiled.

"So, is it me or are you actually wearing a dress today" Lance asked with a goofy smile, his eyes staying on her as she blushed in slight embarrassment over being noticed.

"I-I can wear dresses, I might not act like a girl but I am one. I just wanted to l-look nice for once, put a little effect in like everyone else does when they get dressed. D-Do I l-look bad" Pidge stuttered a little turning to him as she grabbed his sleeve a little while they came to a slow stop. 

"How do you look? Hmm, well If I'm honest I think you're rather pretty but I think you're rather pretty no matter what you wear. You're just shining a little brighter today and I'm glad I took notice of it, it's gonna be a nice memory for me to have forever" Lance answered with a gentle smile, his eyes honest and soft as he looked to her noticing her cheeks turn slightly rosy making him blush a little. 

"T-Thanks" Pidge muttered back, looking away not caring if he didn't catch what she said or not before they started walking again. 

"But I must admit, I think wearing leggings under the dress was a good idea as well" Lance added on, trying to keep his cool act back on after seeing the girl blush. 

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