Chapter 8.

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She use to have a voice, one she would use to ramble all over her ideas for a project or an idea over how something may have worked. She used the voice as she laughed, cried and just talked without knowing how useful a voice was.

But she lost that voice, she lost that voice when she was only fifteen years old after an accident. Well, it wasn't lost, it was just unused by a mentally block. Fear was stopping her voice from being heard even if she wanted to speak, no sound came anymore.

Her family accepted it, her childhood friends and her brother childhood friend soon accepted such an issue, taking it as just another reason she was special. Sure, they missed her voice as much as she secretly did but they weren't going to stop seeing her for her and hearing how heart even if no sound came with it anymore.

But the reason over her voice, it was just labelled as an accident that she never explained.

A bully, Someone who targeted her and her alone within the school.

Sure, she had bullies all her life as soon as she was stop always being sorter or smarter then anyone else around her.

But this bully, he showed no mercy.

He hurt her, never physically but emotionally and she had no one to come save her when she needed it most. Her only friend was in another high school and her brother along with his friend was older and out of school already.

She was trapped with the bully and she was losing the fight against him.

But it only grew worse each day and he started keeping his threats while leaving no proof or marks behind, smirking as she sassed back or tried fighting back before escaping home.

But her voice wasn't loud enough that day, the day as she became trapped in the school basement by him and his small gang .. screaming for help as terror and horror filled her eyes.

No one came and no one came even after they left.

She was in pain, her voice broken and not even her sobs could be heard.

Her fists bloody and bruised from banging on the door for so long only for not one to come.

The weekend came and went and time she was let out, her voice was lost.

No one but her family tried looking into the events but no one was caught or punished without true proof and she never took a step back in the school.

Staring at a new school her friend went, staying by his side and just hiding away beside him.

She recovered, physically but it took awhile for her to fully recover and her love ones did everything they could for her.

Her brother still pulling her to the roof to watch the stars each night, carrying his phone and pulling her texts for her to type on until he could read her lips with ease and understand what she would say without her needing to type it down.

Her parents, they gave her the distance she needed after seeing how treating her as a victim was only making her remember the pain she felt. Letting her live by forgetting the events and just letting her be their baby daughter again.

Her friend, he stayed silent with her at first. He was angry and hurt for her but he never treated her like a victim. He cried for her but he stayed seeing her as the nerdy friend she always was to him and she was thankful for him to do so. She was thankful he accepted her hiding up behind him more and never speaking a word over her muteness annoyance. But then again, he was the first to understand her when she lost her voice but they always knew how the other felt without words before anyway.

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