Chapter 9.

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"Oh" Pidge breathed out as she held up Lance team vest, the one the poor player was currently searching for in the changing room given to the team during their pratice match.

"Why do you have Lance vest" Matt asked rather concerned and wondering if he should threaten the player in question over friendship bounds.

"Don't forget we wash your guys team stuff with the washing machine in the back room back at collage. We drip dry them in hopes to stop them from shrinking but that also means if they not dry when most of the others are, we shove it in one of our own bags last minute" Adam explained since he and Pidge folded the others team tops/ vests, their jackets and their team swimming trunks giving them out this morning. But while everything else was dry for Lance his vest was still slightly damp so they left it a little longer and Pidge must have grabbed it as they left.

"Pidge, why don't you go pass it over. Lance should be dressed since we already changed into our swimwear and he was just destroying his bag to see if it was inside. Drag him back here once you pass it over" Shiro asked with a friendly smile since the other team they would be playing was changing before heading out over to the pool.

Pidge gave a nod before heading back towards the changing rooms, Lance team vest in her hand since they would stay mostly dressed when shaking hands and talking with the team they'll be going against.

Voltron did worry a little when they arrived at the collage and couldn't see the other team manger waiting for them to lead them to the collage team pool. But they found there way and it seemed the time slot they agreed too was also during half of the team class that they couldn't miss out off. So, Voltron hanged in the changing room a little before getting ready once they heard the collage bell.

Pidge didn't bother knocking since Lance was decent and well he might panic if someone knocks since the other guys just walk in as well.

"Lance, Vest" Pidge spoke up, holding his vest up as she kicked the door close not caring if he wouldn't be able to read her lips since she had hoped he'll understand why she here when seeing his vest.  

"Oh my, who knew you were such a pervert" Lance teased with a silly grin as he crossed his arms over his upper chest, turning his body away from like she was a pervert. 

Lance held back his amused laugh as Pidge turned bright red, her mouth forming curses and silently screaming them at him before throwing the vest at his face. Crossing her arms in frustration and turning away from him with a pout on her lips, her cheeks still rosy from embarrassment.

"So, should I be worried over you becoming stalkerish over me since you had my vest. I mean, It's cute your crushing on me since who wouldn't love my charms but am I gonna have to start calling the cops now or wait until you try killing me out of jealousy" Lance teased, a goofy grin staying on his lips as he pulled his vest on, grabbing his jacket from the bench where he threw it after emptying his bag and shaking it to see if anything else would fall out.

"I will kill you ..." Pidge warned, glaring at him and any embarrassment long gone from her expression making Lance give a nervous chuckle. 

"My bad, well I'm all set ready to head back to the team" Lance smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck, his jacket already on as he looked to Pidge noticing she was only wearing her team polo and no team jacket in sight.

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