Chapter 5.

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(Ok, so You all know Pidge is a mute. I'm just gonna put the things she mouth in Itailc and write it like she is talking instead of keeping saying she mouthing it all the time. I'll add when she writing it on her phones note instead of mouthing but for now I'll make it so its like she speaking. Just remember she just mouthing it all no sound or voice is leaving her mouth when speaking).

"You suck at running, come on or the others will clearly leave us behind" Lance huffed out as he ran pulling Pidge along behind him by her wrists. 

"Its because I hate running, I'm not an gym loving girl ... I love food and tech and my bed"  Pidge grumbled back as she struggled catching her breath. It was the Water Polo weekly run and she came to support them or to help them out if they injure themselves during the run around the park but she was pulled along during the second Lap. Lance grabbed her arm and have been pulling her for the last five minutes without any signs of stopping. 

"I can't read your lips right now but I'm guessing your just admitted your unfit" Lance sighed as he glanced over his shoulder seeing a red face warn out Pidge who nodded. 

"I don't need to be fit, I'm the medic not the player"  Pidge mumbled back and used her other arm to unzip her jacket hoping to cool herself down a little. 

"But Adam runs with us during the run, he runs in pace with Hunk, Matt and Sven leaving Me, Keith and Lance to go all out while Rolo and Shiro keep to their own steady fast pace. Didn't Matt tell you if you came then we would thought you were running too" Lance replied as he slowed down to a slow jog, letting Pidge wrist as she came to a full stop panting for breath. 

"Wow, you really aren't one for sport" Lance mumbled as he looked the shorter girl over seeing her bend over with her hands on her thighs as she tried to catch her breath.

"No, I'm not and that five minutes were hell" Pidge snapped back as she lifted her head glaring at Lance.

"Oh, that not a happy face. Look, I'm sorry I thought you were giving up as I started my second lap and wanted to help but pulling you along so you didn't get out of tune with the run. If I knew you didn't come to join the run then I would have kept going alone but everyone knows if you come to the group run then you'll be joining it .. Just like Adam does" Lance frowned as he placed his hands on his hips keeping his breath steady.

"No one told me" Pidge replied as she looked to Lance letting him read her lips better now she got her breathing under control.

"Oh, well my bad but hey, you went on a seven minute run congrats" Lance grinned as he gave her a thumbs up earning Pidge to just glare at him.

"SIS" Matt cheerful voice was heard making the two turn to see Matt, Adam and Hunk running towards them making Lance guess that Sven was running with Rolo today.

"I'm going to kill him" Pidge muttered as she glared towards her brightly smiling brother who was use to running once a week for the club excise training.

"I didn't need to read lips to know what you just thought" Lance mumbled with slight worry as he looked to Pidge who shrugged.

"Catching your breath, we do keep water at the starting point. Its best to stop for a break or breather there so your not in others ways" Hunk explained with a kind smile and Pidge frowned.

"She not here to run, it seems that Matt might not have told her the rules over the run and well I just dragged her for a seven minute run thinking she was having a breather. She just came to watch out for us while we ran and stay at the starting point" Lance awkwardly smiled as he rubbed his neck while Matt burst out laughing.

"You didn't tell her" Adam yelled and slapped Matt arm before giving a pity smile to Pidge.

"I was going to tell her but then I guessed if she wanted to try running she try it on her own and everyone else would just leave her to run her own pace or leave her at the starting point. I didn't expect Lance to just kidnap her and run" Matt smiled like an idiot, wiping joyful tears from his eyes.

"You clearly never met Lance before" Hunk joked as he crossed his arms over his stomach.

"Hey, Its not my fault I thought she just gave up with the run and needed a hand to get back in pace. If I knew she wasn't here to run then I won't have tried to help" Lance huffed back as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I hate you" Pidge grumbled as she glared at her brother who chuckled. 

"Sorry for not warning you, next week you can stay just sitting on the bench by the starting point and we'll call if someone gets hurt on the run. No more making you run ever again for training" Matt smiled as he walked over hugging his sister.

"Better be the last time" Pidge mumbled as she wiped her sweaty forehead on her brother top. 

"Urg, You really do sweat too much for a human" Matt groaned as he broke free from the hug. 

"I'm gonna go die on the bench ... enjoy be strange" Pidge replied as she gave a slight wave to the others. 

"Running doesn't make us strange" Adam laughed and Pidge shrugged before walking back the direction she was pulled from.

"So, how long did you force her to run before working out she wasn't a runner" Hunk asked as he turned to Lance who gave a nervous laugh.

"My watch says seven minutes, I really hope we can knock that off for this week running time" Lance replied and Adam shook his head for a no. 

"Guess you time will be longer this week but hey, next week you can have better times" Matt smiled as they started jogging again and Lance lowered his head to sulk.

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