Friend or Enemy

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Chapter 1: what people think

You may think that there are different tipe of friends... well there are, but is not different for me,im not the tipe of girl who wants to be like the others. There's the popular kids,the not so popular kids, the aceptable kids, the athletes,the musicians,the dancers,the singers,the actors,the technopats; Then it all comes down to the lowets of the school chain...the nerds, the weirdos,the rockers,the Goths, and the emo tipe. Well im a volleyball player, so im a athlete,im kinda smart to, so im a nerd,i dance and play the guitar, so im a dancer and musician,i sing ones in awhile, so im a singer; but most importantly im crazy weird, so im a weirdo. Most peolpe say that it's crazy to be all that, but to me... it's just been normal. That's were Natalie comes in;.she's a nerd who is also a singer and an actor and kinda weird like me,she dosent care what people say about her.We have been friends sense the 1rst grade. She's always been there for me for better or for worse, and she kinda know EVERYONE in the planet, she has been around.

I think is time that you get to know my neighbor Liliana, we have been friends sense we were baby's and Claudia to,they have been my Bffs sense forever but theres one thing...I'm older then them. But it dirint matter we loved being with each other;oh and i almost forgot Liliana is volleyball player to, a nerd and a technopat,Claudia is a tennis player,also a nerd and kinda of a show off in tennis, but we love her,and then there's Faviola she's a basketball player and also kinda of a nerd be mostly she's Goth, but she is fun to hag out with.

OK its the first day at school and im crazy nerves,"I dont even know this place mom,or the people in it!" i said."Dont worry honey it will be fine you will se" my mom said, " but what if they dont like me,or my close or or or... "," Rayza calm down, dont over react its gonna be fine " my mom said," OK " I said.I got out of the car and took a deep breath and walked to the front gate; everyone was looking at me funny and that maid me more nerves,accept one girl who just walked right at me with a big smile, I got scarde at first because maybe she was going to do something to me." hi there, im Amilka! are you new here?!" she said ," hi im Rayza and yes im new here". "Well nice to meet ya,hey what grade are ya!" she said," im in 11th grade" I said," uhhh,great im in 10th your classroom is next to mine,come on let's go!". She took my arm and took me there, she was a blonde brunette, with white skin, and i was dark brown with brunette hair,and everyone was staring at us like we were breaking some rule or something. But she dirint care, I started knowtesing that there were different grupes of people,and that were bad part comes in.

They think that they are best,that ther better then others,and the leader of them all is Michelle and Maria, there the kind of bitches that everyone wants to be, but not me. Along with them was, Paola T,Paola B ( the Paola's), Yoarys, Millien. Millien is a emo,athlete,that at first was my friend but she is so a betrayer,and so is Yoarys and the Paola's. I cant believe that they pretended to be my friends to imbarest me infront of everyone in school!, those are the tipe of friends that can betray you and stap ya in the back. They maid me feel like i was in the popular crowd but it was just to make fun of me and make me there slave, " those bitches!!, they are so going to pay for this! " I said. " uhhhh,were so scared, little weirdo is mad... jajaja! " María said. They pushed me into the mud and everyone laughed at me. There so mean to everyone in school and the worst part is.....i worend my favorite blake skirt and red chainsd boots!!!

The outcasts are people like me, persons that don't care about what they are what they look like and what other people say.And most of all... nobody wants to be around with. That's were my friend Giann Lee comes in,when we meet she was always pushing my batons..." what a bitch!! " I used to thought, put one time when i was in trouble, she helpt me and then i thought " Hey,she isn't that bad ". She's kinda loude and wierd, but she plays basketball very very well, she's always there when you need her, she'll never let you down and we turnd out to have alot in comen like: we both like rock music. we both play sports, we like to toucher people,ect. She's awesome, she's really fun. I really lucky to find a friend that is just like me. Oh and ther also Ivelisse she's with Giann Lee, she's a writer,dancer, and singer; Ivelisse is a very good friend,she helps me with my problems and shes sooo fun to hag out with. There going to another school next year... man I'm gonna miss them so much!!

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