chapter 3: The protectors

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Chapter 3:The protectors

The protectors are the tipe of friends that are like family, there like going to be there for you, protect you and defend you when you need it and stand up for you if your being bulid. Like Kiara and Giann Lee ,they always have my back, they are pretty cool, also Jesus is like my bro, a really cute bro, but nevermaind that, hes looks out for me and if he needs to beat up someone that is buging me, he'll do it. I mostly like the protectors, they are a awesome kind of friend, they go through the good and the bad times in your life, if u have a friend or friends like that... you better say thanks for everything and for each thing they did for you ok. Enyways they are awesome as i said and more. Well let me show you how much the protectors are as friends.

One day i got to school in a really bad mood, so i was grouchy!, anyways I was trip by who else Maria and Michelle... as always they were laughing at me, but there were 3 people that dirint laughed at me, Millien, Paola T, Yoarys and Paola B, dirint laugh at all!!, (wow), so tecnekly i started to wonder if they are starting to like me....

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