Chapter 6: The BFF's

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The bff's are the best of friends that you know sense you were little. I have alot of friends like that besides my brothers and cousins... I have alot of friends that I have known sense I was born!!, I'm not friend Liliana, I known her sense we were baby's, we had the same babysitter.

Anyway there's alot of friends that you can know from a long time that may stab you in the back in one point in live. Like for in sample one of my friends Natalie and me, we had a friend named Daliz and she turned out to be a horrible friend. Natalie told her a dark secret that even i cant talk about it; But Daliz told everyone she know and the hole class!! Natalie was very pist of and she swore not to be her friend anymore,shore you might think that well maybe it was an accident,or maybe she just blurred out without thinking, but she did it on purpose! (that's pretty mean, almost nasty bitch mean!).

Know Daliz is with me in Bellas Artes, (in dance) I'm in art and dance so I'm pretty busy all week. Anyway I had a bf in Bellas Artes from school, when we broke up, she told that he was a bastard, a dumass, a dushbag and all that shit, but on the way she also told me that she kinda liked him, that she thought that he was cute.(what the hell!!! ) you might think that I was mad.... well hell yeah I was, I mean come on you can't try to steal a girls ex bf if she still has feelings for him, I mean who does that??!! Anyway one day she came to Bellas Artes really happy with a giant smile.....

"what's the matter with you?" I asked her, "I have a new bf!!! " she screamed, "wow OK, well who?,is he from your school? ". I replied, " his from a school "she said excitedly. "which school then? ","from here!!in Bellas Artes !!" she replied to me. " then who is it?! " and with that same giant smile she said my ex bf name. In that point I wanted to punch her in the face and kill her,but I kept my cool and said: "oh really, how......interesting". I left the room to drink some water and after that I ran to a corner of a hallway and to be honest I cried slot that day it really hurt. " I can't believe that she did this to me! " I said crying.

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