chapter 7: The back stabbers

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I said in the other chapter the back stabbers are pretty much the worst people in the world next to the battle coursers .

Well Daliz is one of them for a long time, sometimes Angelica is one too, if you tell Angelica a secret;.she will tell everyone she knows or even anyone that she finds around the school, even teachers. Everyone pretty much hates Daliz and Angelica.... oh just to be clear there are 2 Angelica's that i know,one is in 12th and the one that I'm talking about is in 10th .

Anyway everyone hated Daliz and Angelica for being a snitch and a bitch to everyone . we started to ignore them and kinda play pranks on them to se if they get inberest or something like that, I would have some problems with them but if i know myself I would try to forgive them sooner or later.

Oh and remember the guy i mentioned earlier well that's a guy that i kind of have a crush on...... but that's a hole other story.

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