chapter 5: The fight couser

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Well its kinda complicated, how I survive high school, I kinda come and go... like sometimes I kinda hag with the popular crowd but is not like forever, I mostly like to hag with my true friends and now that Millien, Paola T.,Paola B. and Yoarys are in the group, I dont really have a reason to hag with popular crowd. (to be with Maria and Michelle!!!, no thank you).

So as I was saying.... its a battle!!, everyone is fighting with the other groups, its like a jungle war or something, and I don't know why!! Suddenly I step on a bunch of papers that were about all the secrets of all the girls in school. And all I was hearing was "did you tell someone! ","I can believe that you said that","you bitch!! ","you whore!!","slut!",ect. And all I saw was hair pulling, nail scratching, even the guys were fighting. And even the nerds were fighting (not that I have a problem with that). But still it was a mad house!! Finally the principal came in and tried to calm us down but it dirint work; Then he decided to turn on the fire alarm and reported all of the girls to the school gym and all of the guys to the football field. He maid the female teachers talk to the girls and the male teachers to the guys; the female teachers talk about who was bulid, who have been laughed at ect.,and how can we express our feelings... (soooo boring) And I heard that the male teachers were talking about a hole different subject. "what the hell!!" I said. "we get to hear a boring lecture and they get to talk about something that is completely not!!!

Later on I found out that the reason that everyone was fighting ,was that there were a book that said every secret,imbaresing things about them. And some imbaresing things about the guys to. "I want to know who wrote this!!!".I said then I found out that the one who wrote it was someone higher than Maria and Michelle!!, it was Daliz the meanest witch or bitch at school, they say that she is the biggest whore ever, also she's a slut that even sleeps with the teachers. "She is the queen of the sluts!!!" I said. "And I can't believe that she's so glad to be like that, like OMG!! ".

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