Chapter 9: Friend zoned

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Well the title says it all, getting friend zoned is the worst, is the ripe of situation that the guy or girl really like this person; well love this person and try to make it to be more then just friends with him or her.
Some succeed of getting the guy or girl of their dreams, some don't and lose that friend. But you got to give them credit and respect for trying to step up from the friend zoned.
So I'm gonna tell this chapter in 2 point of views, as in the guys and the girls point of view. First up the girls point of view.

So in the girls case, we girls try to maintain our emotions and play hard to get with boys, just mess with them and see if they catch on. But when it comes to getting friend zoned, it's kind of hard for them to care about the guy and just be friends. In my case I would not take it, if I liked the guy I would try to get him to go out with me, if he's my friend, well it's the usual what if he doesn't like me back worries but I usually get my mind straight and go for it.

In the guys case, they get nervous and try there super best to impress the girl they like. In other words, they become complete duffs. Well anyways they try as much as us girls to impress their crush, it's sweet though and they get great ideas to make it perfect so we girls won't say no to them. But some of them get friend zoned cuz well the typical sentence we girls say to them "your like a brother to me". That's like the trigger word to getting friends zoned.

So the good thing about trying to get out of the friend zoned is that , woho you got dream girl or dream guy.
But the bad thing is that if they say no , u might be still in the friend zone or even worse u lose that friend.
Some people are lucky and get what they wanted but some just might lose what they wanted.

Sorry that this chapter is kind of a downer but its the truth, I have a........ Friend who had a girlfriend , but it was long distance, so they still tried it and they lasted more then other kind distance relationships would. She visit him for one week in spring break and as he told me, it was pretty awesome for him. I know the girl that was with him; sadly he couldn't bare the distance and missed her very much. He decided to tell her that they should be friends cuz he didn't want to hurt her. She did not take that well; she is taking this break up really hard. But at least they have contact with each other, the thing is that she doesn't feel right being his friend if she loved him so much. So that's a rear friend zone; from being a couple who love each other very much to just being friends.

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