• Chapter Eight •

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"Bye Jiminie!!" The 8 year old smiles, waving to his friend and his grandma, struggling a little since he held a container of cookies just for him that grandma park gave him.

He hurried home to make it back before sunset, eating a cookie or two on his way back.  He wasn't home for even five minutes before he could hear his father screaming.

"Where's my fucking dinner!?" He shouts, a fist banging on the kitchen table.

"We don't have anything to /make dinner." Yoongi calmly argues.

"Then order something, I'm starving." His dad's voice mumbled from the cigarette in his mouth.

"We don't have money." Yoongi says in an annoyed tone, just in time for Jungkook to walk in. The boy hiding his container of cookies from his family.

"Beaver go help your family out and steal someone's wallet." Jungkook's father tell him. Yoongi instantly coming in between them. "You're /not gonna teach him that stealing in normal." The 15 year old says.

"It is normal! At least for the Jeons. Now get your self outta my face and steal a wallet. Make sure it's got money in it." His dad got up and patted Jungkook's shoulder before walking into the living room.

"But I don't want to." Jungkook mumbles. Making his dad pause. "What did you say?"

"Grandma park said stealing is bad and she said if I don't steal anything for a week she's gonna bake me a cake." The young boy couldn't help the excitement in his voice. No one has ever made him cake before, not even for his birthday. "She even said she'd put sprinkles on top."

Jungkook's smile disappears when His father walked angrily towards him. The young boy flinches, knowing exactly what was coming for him. A hard slap across his small face.

"You listen here you little shit and you listen carefully. As long as you're living under my roof you answer to me and you work for me. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Or else I'll throw you back on the dirty street your whore of a mother left you on in the first place." The man grabs him by his collar, jungkook's tears falling due to his eyes squinting shut. The poor boy was terrified.

Yoongi rushes towards them along with the rest of Jungkook's brothers. Trying to protect their youngest. "Dad that's enough!"

"You shut the fuck up! You're all useless bastards! No wonder your mothers got rid of you! Especially you." His attention went back to Jungkook. "She didn't want a good for nothing beaver looking son!" He spat before throwing Jungkook on his back, falling onto the container of cookies which made a sound.

"What's that? huh?" His dad picked the container up and saw what was inside. "Weren't you going to share these with the person who put a roof over your head?" His dad picked up a cookie and took a bite. "Fuck these are disgusting." The man gagged. Throwing the bitten cookie back in the container before throwing it all in the trash. Jungkook's breathe hitched in his chest. Those were supposed to be /his/ cookies made especially for him.

"Now get up and-" "I'll go. Just leave him the fuck alone. he's only 8." Jin steps in front of Jungkook. Who took his chance and ran towards his room that he shared with Yoongi.

"You need to stop babying him! It's about time he grew up and fend for this family like the rest of us!" His dad's voice got more muffled the closer he got to the room, slowly closing the door so his dad wouldn't get angrier. Even though he wanted so desperately to slam it. ( the struggle is real )

He crawled out of his window, tears still spilling from his eyes and ran as fast as he could away from his family.

The boy sobbed all the way to his best friend's house. His vision blurry as he stared at Jimin's window.

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