• Chapter Eleven •

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Jimin grunts for what felt like the tenth time, struggling to apply his eyeshadow neatly without it smudging all around his eyelid.
It was the night after and Jimin was currently getting ready for work. It was nearing midnight, meaning he was running a little late, but beauty takes time.

Once he wipes away his mistakes and is pleased with himself, he takes his bag with a change of clothes inside and walks out of the front door, careful not to wake his sleeping grandma.

He's greeted with loud pounding music like always when he's inside the club. Bodies dancing around each other and groups of friends just having fun watching the drag queen over at the small stage.
Jimin smiles to himself, it truly was a space where everyone could just be themselves. He walks over to the dressing rooms where he puts on his staff attire. Which was honestly anything that was attractive and party like. Jimin went for his signature printed white shirt and some black jeans.

He walks out and starts his shift at the bar. Serving his first drink of the very long night with a smile. "Hey Minnie." A young man plops himself at the stool right in front of where 'Minnie' was currently fixing up a cocktail.

"I told you not to call me that darling." Jimin walks a little further away to hand the customer her drink before returning to the smirking young man.

"Oh come on, it's cute. Just like you." He flirts.
"When do you get off your shift?"

"I just started it." Jimin laughs. "Want me to get you anything?"

"Sure." He tells Jimin what he'd like. Eyes wandering around the dimmed club while the older prepares it.

"You don't have to sit here and wait for me ya know Yoon." Jimin sets the glass in front of the other with a cocky smile.

"I know." He simply says. "Maybe I'll go find a cute boy and enjoy his company instead." He takes a sip from his drink.

"Maybe he'll care to join us." Jimin plays along.

"Maybe." The younger smirks as he picks up his drink. "You know where to find me!" He shouts over the loud music. Jimin grins and nods. Yoon definitely had some next level energy.

The rest of Jimin's shift went by smoothly and it was time for his break. He patted his colleague on the shoulder before jogging to the toilets to freshen up a bit. Fixing his slightly smudged makeup, the doors to the bathroom opening as he did so.

The man comes up from behind him and starts kissing up Jimin's neck. He smiles, eyes closing lost for a second in the gentle pecks. "What are you up to Tae?"

"I saw that little pipsqueak eyeing you from across the damn club. Why haven't you introduced him to me yet, huh?" Taehyung pulls away and stares at Jimin in the mirror.

"You interested in him?" Jimin asks in all seriousness.

"I mean.. he /is cute." The older shrugs. To that Jimin laughs. "Sure, Taehyung. I'll introduce you."
The two walk out and start looking for male. But the huge ruckus happening in the far corner of the club caught their eyes.

There was Yoon holding back tears as this big scary looking man continued to shout at him. Jimin was the first at the scene with Taehyung hot on his trail.
"Woah woah woah. Is there a problem here?" Jimin puts himself between the two.
"Jimin don't-" the younger tries to speak but was cut off by the bigger man. "So this is Jimin?" He gives a look to the said man that could kill.
"You're gonna regret ever laying your hands on my bitch."

"Can't blame him can you? I mean look at you it's surprising he can even find your dick under all that."

"The fuck did you just say to me?!" The man lunges at Jimin. Luckily enough, security were right on time, grabbing both his arms to stop the man from doing any damage.

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