• Chapter Four •

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"Ouch." Jimin hissed, looking down at the splinter he got stuck in his finger, carefully trying to take it out.

The 8 year old manages to do so and continued to climb to the top of the tree where his tree house was built. It wasn't a fancy one, nothing was fancy in the neighborhood he lived in, but he was thankful that a few of the older men helped him and his grandma with building the tree house. Out of old wood and rusty nails, regardless he still loved it.

Once he was in, he put down the few cushions and pillows he found nearby someone's trash can. Who would wanna throw away such comfy cushions? Jimin thought.

After he finished setting the pillows down nicely, he jumped on top of them, thinking about what else he would need to make his little getaway just perfect.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the small wooden door. More like banging even. He opened the little window and peeked to see who it was, it was a kid. "Let me in quick!!"


"Just opened the door before I bash your face into it!" The boy yelled, aggressively trying to break the door down.

Jimin shivered before finally undoing the sorry excuse for a lock and the boy ran inside, shutting the door with a bang before he rested his back against it, panting.

Jimin could see him clearly now, he was definitely around his age range, black hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat and had slightly bigger eyes than him. And was holding a chocolate bar tightly between his hands.

Before he could ask why he was sweaty and why he demanded the door to be opened, another voice was heard. A man's this time. Which made the intruder slam his hand on Jimin's mouth and shushing him to stay quiet.

"You fucking brat! You think you can steel from me and get away with it?! I'll find you!" Jimin hears from a distance, instantly staring at the other boy inches away from his face who rolled his eyes at the man's words.

Once the footsteps were gone, and the boy peeked through the tiny window to make sure the man was no where to be seen, that's when he removed his hands from Jimin's mouth.

"You stole that?" Jimin asks, pointing down at the candy in the boy's other hand.

He watched him shrug "It was only a bar of chocolate. I don't get why he had to chase me all the way out here for it." Again, he rolled his eyes. "Asshole."

"I'm Jungkook by the way." The boy— Jungkook— spoke after making himself comfortable and sitting on Jimin's pile of pillows.

"Jimin." He introduced, still standing shocked at the fact that a kid his age just came into his tree house after stealing candy.

"This place could use some work." Jungkook spoke subconsciously as he started unwrapping the chocolate. "I have a few lights and shit at home from the parties my brothers have, we can put them in and make it feel less gloomy and depressing."

"We?" Jimin asks, an eyebrow raised.

"What? You don't wanna be friends?"

"I don't even know you." Jimin folded his arms, eyes cautiously staring at the other under him.

The boy sighed, putting a piece of the chocolate in his mouth. "My name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm 7 years old. I have four brothers and no mom but a shit dad who's currently in prison for damaging someone's property and no friends." He munches. "Oh and I like chocolate."

Jimin took in a the information he was just told, the idea of his dad being in prison completely took him by surprise.

"You want some?" Jungkook broke a piece of chocolate and handed it to Jimin, nodding to him when the older took too long to accept it.

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