• Chapter Three •

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Jungkook blares holes into Jimin bruised stomach, blue and purple marks around his chest and belly too obvious not to notice.

Jimin can feel his gaze rise to his face, going over the cut on his lips and bruised cheek. He took a deep breath. A stoic look plastered on his face.

"Who." That's all Jungkook needed to know, he didn't care why, when, how. All he needed was a name and address.

"It's fine." Jimin sits up right. "I'm seriously not in the mood for a fight."

"So you're just gonna let them get away with beating you up like this?" Jungkook asks like Jimin was the most stupid person on this planet.

"I'm serious, Jungkook." Jimin makes eye contact with his best friend, speaking in a stern tone. "Let it go."

Jungkook stares back at Jimin in annoyance, thinking for a few seconds before he spoke.
"Fuck that."

Jimin didn't have a chance to argue before Jungkook strutted out of his room.

"Shit." Jimin cursed to himself, yanking the blanket off the rest of his body. He was dumb to think that a stubborn guy like Jungkook would listen to him.

He ran down the stairs still shirtless. Upon hearing Jimin's stomps on the creaking wood, Jungkook picked up the pace and ran.

"Jungkook!" Jimin chases after him, stomach hurting because of the bruising but he managed to ignore it.

They ran into the kitchen, Jimin at one end of the table and Jungkook at the other, stopping to watch the others next move. With Jimin's grandma going "oh!" When Jimin accidentally brushed against her shoulder while she fried the pancakes.

"Don't beat him up."

"Ah, its a guy. Good. Thought you got beaten by a girl that's why you wouldn't tell me." The younger smirks, earning a growl from Jimin. "Probably hit him like a girl though."

"You fucking-" he ran to the left side of the table, making Jungkook go the other way and the two make circles around the table like idiots.

They stop eventually, now at opposite sides from before.

"Who wants a pancake?" His grandma interrupts, holding a plate with pancakes stacked on top of each other. Completely ignoring what was happening.

"Oh~ yes please." Jungkook grabs two and starts munching on one while Jimin just declines, trying to figure out how to distract Jungkook so he can catch him, but he was a little behind when the younger suddenly yells "Think fast!"

Before he could react, he felt something being thrown at his face. He looks down to see that it was a pancake. When he look back up, Jungkook was gone.

He ran to the front door to see Jungkook laughing his ass off on the sidewalk. Jimin never had the need to slap the younger so much in his life.

"I'm not letting you do this Kook." Jimin's pants. He too not able to stop himself from cracking a smile. The sternness of his voice remained the same nevertheless.

He watches Jungkook's laughter slowly die down, brining his eyes to face Jimin's. "We're family Jimin. No one messes with my family." He speaks, brushing his hands on his jacket.

Jimin didn't say anything. It was pointless. He just had to go to school to make sure nothing happened. He watches Jungkook stick a middle at him, back now facing the older. "And if I see you at school I'll fucking beat you myself."

Obviously Jimin didn't listen. As soon as Jungkook was out of sight, he ran back inside and straight to his room to get ready. He was punched and kicked plenty of times before so he was used to the wincing pain whenever he'd bend or stretch.

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