• Chapter Five •

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The 18 year old's eyes were focused on the tv screen above him, waiting for the only customer in the store to finish up their shopping. A cashier was definitely a boring job for Jimin. Especially at night when only one or two customers would come in. He worked in a small corner shop so there was only one register that could be worked on.

Eventually the older woman finishes up and goes to pay for her stuff, taking her time which Jimin tried not to mind. After she left with bags full of supplies, he plops onto his chair with a sigh, checking the time to see that it was only 9:31 pm. He still had a whole 29 minutes of work before he could go home.

He sat up straight and wiped the frown from his face when his boss came out of the back room. He was an older man, a friend of Jimin's grandma.

"You're doing great Jimin-ah." He patted the younger on the shoulder. "Just make sure to keep an eye on the security cameras."

"will do sir." Jimin replies.

"Oh and lock up the store will ya? I've gotta get home before the mrs yells at me again for missing dinner." He adds, handing the keys to Jimin who had no other choice but to take them. "No problem." He smiles.

"Atta boy. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then." He says before leaving the young man by himself in the small store.

Jimin rests his back on the chair before grabbing one of the random magazines displayed next to him, flipping through the pages and occasionally reading things through when it spiked his attention.

There were quite a few male models in it and he couldn't help but appreciate how well built they were. Jimin has always been small and never really that built but he needed to get in shape if he hoped to join the army. Which was his dream since he was a kid. Not to mention he found the men in the book very attractive.

"Enjoying the view?"

Jimin flinched and out of reflex quickly shut the magazine, staring at the stranger who had a smug smirk on his face. He didn't notice how long he was staring at the other, nor did he notice the dinging of the bell on top of the door.

"I wasn't-" "No need to get all defensive around me." His smirk grew wider. Taking off his hoody which thankfully let the 18 year old see him properly.

Jimin eyes the male, his slightly long hair was dark, wavy and messy, it seemed like he had light makeup on, with a grey hoodie fitting him perfectly and he could make out the small tattoos on his neck.

"You can continue what you were doing. I won't be long." The stranger playfully winks at Jimin before going between the isles.

Jimin only sits awkwardly waiting for him to finish. What was that all about? Was that some kind of gay signal or something? Did he find out just from Jimin looking at fit men? 'The later one made sense actually' Jimin thought, but it made his heart race. Was the stranger gonna say something or was he gay as well? He was probably putting too much thought into it.

The stranger comes back with condoms, lube and a packet of potato chips. Jimin tries not to make a face but it was hard since this was his first time dealing with customers.

"Part of the job." The stranger comments on his things, making Jimin look up at him. Then back at the stuff to finish scanning. He tells him the price and waits for the stranger to do something but he just stares back. So he tries again.

"That'll be-" he couldn't finish his sentence, feeling a pair of lips colliding with his. Eyes widen at the fact that he was kissing a man for the first time /and at how good of a kisser the other was. So he kisses back for a second just to get the full experience before pushing him off. "Are you fucking insane?!"

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