• Chapter Seven •

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"Jungkook wake up." Jimin speaks, standing with sore eyes and still in his pajamas. He'd only gotten up a few minutes ago.

The younger doesn't move a muscle.

"Jungkook." This time Jimin nudges at his shoulder, making the 17 year old groan and swat it away. "Let me sleep."

"It's 2:44 pm." To that, one of jungkook's eyes open, studying Jimin's face before checking the time himself. When he saw that Jimin was telling the truth, he groans once more before getting up slowly and making his way to the bathroom.

Jimin chuckles at the way Jungkook was moving like a zombie, forcefully dragging his feet along with him.

Since his friend was in the bathroom, Jimin gets dressed first. In the middle of him taking off his shirt, his phone dings against the bedside table.

He takes his shirt off fully before checking it, a smile on his face as he saw the text.
"Hey, it's Taehyung. Was just wondering if I'll get to see you tonight ;)"

Jimin reads over it almost 5 times, wondering if he should meet with him again. In the middle of his mind racing, Jungkook coughs, making his presence known.

"Put a shirt on." He speaks, eyes never making contact with Jimin.

"Right." He remembers, setting down his phone to finish getting dressed. "What were you smiling liking an idiot at on your phone?"

"Something funny?" Jimin says as if it was obvious. Watching Jungkook's expression, it was as if the younger was hesitant to ask something. Which only reminded Jimin.

"Yeona asked me yesterday whether you were going to the party later today or not."

"Of course I'm going. It's a fucking party." The younger plops himself on the bed with a groan from the rough contact on his bruises.

It was quiet for a minute before Jungkook spoke up again. "Are you going?"

Jimin shrugs. "If you want me to go then I'll go."

Jungkook scoffs at that, turning to face away from his friend. "What am I? your babysitter?"

"I mean I know I'm just gonna end up dragging your drunk ass out of there anyway so." Jimin plops himself next to the other. "It won't make much of a difference."

"There's your answer." Jungkook mumbles. Eyes closed basking in the quiet of Jimin's neighborhood. While said man types down his reply to his lover's question.

"Come by **** around 9pm. I'll meet you out back." He writes The party's address and smiles to himself.

They get to the party a good two hours after it's was said to start. Purposely so they could be there when the fun was happening.

Late parties around the south side was like asking for trouble, so it was rare to see a high school party still going strong by midnight.

Jimin downed his first drink of the night as he watched Jungkook get bitched at by the host, the young lady furious because of how late her so called boyfriend was. But Jungkook was skilled in these things, knows his way around women as he carefully but firmly wraps his arms around her waist with a sly smirk. Whispering soft words into her ear before pulling her into a kiss. Which quickly turned itself into a hot make-out session in the kitchen.

"Gross." Jimin's brows knot, his plan of going in there to get a refill wasn't such a good idea anymore.

He manages to steal some of the abandoned cups around the house and just drink from those, unaware of what exactly he was sipping on but as long as it made him numb he barely cared. It was just so time could go faster.

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