• Chapter Six •

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Jimin is careful not to wake his friend from his sleeping state when he got up to get ready for school.

It was a chilly Friday morning, the day after Jungkook broke through his window, receiving a beating from his dad. Jimin was glad that the week was finally over, finishing up his business in the bathroom.

He walked back into his room to see the 17 year old lump beneath his covers, trying to keep warm from the cold.

Jimin got dressed quietly and pick up his bag to take downstairs, but before he took off, he poked at Jungkook's shoulder. "If you're awake let me see if your bandages need changing before I leave."

The younger only groaned with no response, but Jimin was patient and just waited a few seconds more until Jungkook sat up, face all puffy and eyes closed but he still somehow looked annoyed.

Jimin looked over his bandages and was glad that they didn't seem dirty or out of place for him to change them, so he dropped it. "Okay you can go back to sleep now."

The younger, eyes still closed plopped back down and quickly got into the position that kept him most warm, wincing a little a certain turns and twists.

"Bye." Jimin then picks up his bag and starts his journey down the stairs. He was at the doorway when he heard his friend mumble something he couldn't really hear.

"What was that?" Jimin turns to face Jungkook's back.

"I said when you get back let's play call of d*ty since we haven't played in a while. I'll call one of my brothers to drop off a few bottles of booze." He mumbles a little louder, his voice hoarse and weak.

"Sure. Do you want anything for when I get back?"

There was a pause, before Jungkook finally replies. "A chocolate bar."

"Cool. I'll see you tonight man. Be good and don't try to do anything stupid while I'm gone. I'll be back by 11 after work." Jimin warns, earning a humming sound from the other before the 18 year old left the room.

The day went by like any other day at school, a little more lazy since it was the end of the week.

Jimin could tell the school was happy that Jungkook wasn't in today, even his teachers couldn't help but smile in joy when Jungkook didn't answer during attendance.

Some even had the courage to talk shit about him, assuming that he probably got arrested or got drunk and slept in a ditch. It made Jimin's blood boil. They have no idea what Jungkook had to go through in his life to end up the way he is.

But jimin barely had time to focus on all that since his mind would constantly wonder off to think about that mysterious man he met last night. That weirdly amazing kiss that was powerful enough to leave his dick hard.

Throughout the day Jimin could only think about whether he would stay true to his word and stop by tonight. It would definitely be enough to give him the motivation he needs to finish off the day.

During lunch Jimin sat at his usual seat with Jungkook's 'friends', who kept pestering him on why Jungkook was absent. Jimin simply came up with a lie and said he probably slept in.

A few minutes before lunch break was over, Jimin hears a girl's voice call out for him. "Hey Jimin!"

He turns to see that it was yeona, looking as bitchy as ever with a face full of makeup and winter clothes that somehow were still slutty.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Is my baby still coming to the party tomorrow?" She asks, her 'baby' meaning Jungkook.

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