Chapter Six

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Two Weeks Later.

Andy's POV.

I was taking Rose out for our second date today. We wasn't dating, even though I wanted to. She thought it was just friends going to the park to have a good time. I smiled at how ditsy she could be. Today was the day I decided. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I walked downstairs.

"JINXX?" I shouted.

A head popped round the side of the sofa.

"Yes?" A sleepy voice said.

"Er, Jinxx, I have something important to ask you."

"Oh god, what have you done? Do you need a loan? A new car?"

"It's nothing like that," I smiled. "It's just, I really like your sister, and I was wondering if it was okay with you if I asked her too be my girlfriend?" I chewed on my lip ring, waiting for him to answer.

"Sure, If she says yes then I'll be real happy for you two, but I swear to god Andy, you hurt her, you will get your arse kicked so hard you won't be able to walk for a week. Understood?" Jinxx replied solemnly.

"Thanks Bro!" I shouted happily, jumping on him.

"Woah Andy, get off, people would think you were going to ask ME out, not Ro" Jinxx laughed.

"J, I love you, but not in that way" I laughed along.

I went upstairs and shouted through Ro's door.

"You ready yet me lady?" I said in a fake old English accent.

"Very nearly me sir" She giggle from the other side of the door.

God, even her giggle was perfect. I went into my room, and quickly sorted my hair out. It looked okay I guess, so then I decided to put no makeup on. I wiped away the remaining eyeliner, and happy with how I looked, I went downstairs to make a picnic. I put sandwiches in, two packets of crisps, some cake, her favorite sweets and drink. I put it beside the front door and waited for her to come downstairs. She appeared at the top of stairs and stopped. I caught my breath. She was gorgeous. In a floral dress that came to just above her knee, with a braided brown belt around the waist. She looked stunning, her black hair straightened, with her fringe pinned back so her emerald green eyes shone.

 "Ro, you look, well, stunning" I gasped

"I really don't but thank you Andy" She blushed.

I took her hand and led her out the door, with the hamper on my arm. I opened the car door for her, and shut it after her. I put the hamper and rug in the boot, then got into the front and put the key in the ignition. We pulled out the of the driveway and drove to the park. It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining, birds were tweeting, it was just a gorgeous summer's day. I took her hand and blindfolded her. Then I led her to the top of a hill, where a stream trickled down from a pond at the top. I laid the rug down, and opened the hamper.

"Take your blindfold off." I called.

She gasped.

"Oh Andy, it's beautiful!" 

"Just like you then." I replied honestly.

She giggled and we sat down and ate the picnic I had prepared. When she saw I had packed her favorite sweets, she launched herself at me.

"Andy, thank you thank you thank you" She giggled. 

"It's cool, they're nice." I smirked.

We had a lovely conversation, I sat there listening to how her week had been. I loved listening to her. Her stories, her laugh, just everything about her.

"Ro, I was wondering if I could ask you something? It's okay if you said no, but I really want you too say yes." I said.

"What is it Andy? I'm worried now." 

"I really like you Ro. Like really. And I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend." I chewed my lip ring as she took in what I had said.

"Yes." Shew whispered.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yes. I've liked you for ages." She smiled.

I shuffled over too her and pulled her into a hug. I kissed the top of her head.

"You're beautiful in every way Ro. Come on, it's getting cold, lets get you home." I packed up the stuff, and picked it up, I then held Ro's hand and we walked back to the car in pure happiness. Well, I did anyway. We drove home, and I sang along to the radio. We got home, and I carried her too her room because she had fallen asleep. I tucked her in, kissed her softly on the cheek, and left.

Rose's POV

I opened my eyes to sunlight. Where was I? How did I get here? Then I remembered. I was at home, Andy probably brought me in after falling asleep in the car. Then I remembered something else. I was Andy Biersack's girlfriend. Andy. Fucking. Biersack. I felt the smile stretch across my face as I got out of bed. I got dressed and made myself look presentable and went downstairs. I was greeted to four faces sitting at the table.

"Get in there Ro!"

"Get you, going out with Andy!"

"Congratulations RoRo!"

"If he hurts you I'm kicking his ass." Jinxx said pulling me into a hug.

"He won't. At least, I hope he won't!" I was muffled by Jinxx's shoulder. 

I got out of his grip, and then went and made everyone cooked breakfast. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and froze in embarrassment.

Andy walked round the corner and hugged me round the waist from behind.

"Good morning Love." He whispered in my ear.

I blushed. "Since when did you call me love?" I twisted round and pecked him lightly on the lips.

"Well, since the most gorgeous girl in the world said yes." Andy's smile reached his blue eyes, and they twinkled. I sighed, I was so in love with this man.

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