Chapter Eight

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Andy's POV ( 2 Weeks Later)

It was the 18th of January, and was my beautiful girlfriend's birthday. The big 20. I had decided to get up early and make up breakfast in bed to surprise her, and that is exactly what I had done. I picked up the tray with pancakes and chocolate sauce and a glass of orange juice on it, and walked up the stairs. I walked into our room, and placed the tray on the side. I got her card and present from my sock drawer, where I had been hiding it, and placed them also on the tray. I then walked over and carefully nudged Rose's shoulder.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!" I cooed.

She rolled over and yawned, her big  lagoon blue eyes wide open.

"Morning Andy Bear." She giggled.

"Happy birthday gorgeous!" I smiled, kissing her forehead and handing her the tray. I slid into bed next to her, and held her round the waist whilst she ate and drank. It was then time for her to open her card and present.

She reached for the card, and slipped it out of the envelope. I watched her face go from a straight face to a full blown smile.

"I love you Andy!" She smiled. She then reached for her present, which was a long rectangular box with a purple ribbon bow tied around it.

"What's this?" She asked warily.

"Open it and see." I replied.

She slipped the bow off, and pried the lid open. She gasped.

"Oh, Andy! It's beautiful!" She cried as she stared at the diamond necklace with matching hair slides and bracelet.

She swung her arms round me and kissed me. Her hands tangled in my hair, and we were getting quite into it, when we heard someone clear their throat in the doorway.

I looked up, but Rose was buried in my chest, I knew her face would be burning red with embarrassment.

CC and Ashley were standing at the door, and when they saw that we had stopped kissing, they ran over and jumped onto the bed with us and bear hugged Rose.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RO!" CC and Ash bellowed.

I could hear Ro's muffled laughter escape from between them.

"Guys, I love you, but please get off my girlfriend. I want her too be alive and in one piece by the time it's ready to go." I warned.

"Go? Go where?" Ro mumbled.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? The boy's, Sammi and I decided that we're all going to go to Six Flags to celebrate you turning 20!" I beamed.

Ro squealed and jumped out of bed, running around starting to get ready. She grabbed two towels and ran straight into the bathroom. A few seconds later we heard a thud, and then Ro swear.

"Fucking glass shower door!"

I chuckled, thinking of her running into it. The water was turned on, and I could see the steam pouring out of the bathroom.

"Right, guy's, time for you two to get out of our room."

"Awh, but the fun's only just started!" Whined Ash.

"Get out you big baby," I laughed. "We'll be down asap. Get ready and get the stuff you need."

Rose's POV

We were all packed into one car. Jinxx driving with Sammi in the passenger seat. Ashley, CC and Jake in the middle, and me and Andy sitting in the back. We had our hands in twined, and I was resting my head on his shoulder, because I was tired. We were driving to Six Flags Magic Mountain and it was a long journey, two and a half hours cramped into a boiling hot car with 6 other people. I fell asleep 20 minutes into the journey, and I was woken up by five grown men screaming at me.


"Woah, guys, calm it. It's my birthday and I JUST woke up." I groaned, getting out of the car.

We all walked towards the gate, and queued up. When we got to the entrance and had finally paid, CC and Ashley went mad. They were running around like five year olds, screaming their heads off about what ride they wanted to go on first.

"GUYS. CALM DOWN AND SIT ON THE DECKCHAIRS WHILE WE DECIDE WHAT TO GO ON FIRST!" I shouted at them. They both hung their heads in shame and sat down, complaining about how mean I was apparently being.

 We all argued, and I decided, because Andy had been so sweet to plan this, I let him pick. Surprise surprise, he chose BATMAN The Ride. 

I chuckled as he announced that's what we'd be going on. He's just a giant kid at heart.

He dragged me along to queue up for it, and was buzzing all the way until we were shut into the ride.

The whole way round it I was screaming my head off, I'd never been on something so frightening in my whole entire life.

After the ride, I decided to sit down for a little while with Sammi. That ride had really knocked it out of me.

"Hey chick, you okay? You're a little pale?" Sammi asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine. That roller coaster went faster than I expected." I said, catching my breath back.

"Good, take a seat and I'll get you some water." Sammi called, already going to find a kiosk.

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