Chapter Ten

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Three months later, Rose's POV

"No no no no no, this can't be happening!" I mumbled to myself, as I was sitting on the bathroom floor. I got up and propped myself against the bath, looking at the little stick in my hand. Pregnant.

I looked in the mirror at my knotted black hair, my tear stained face, pale white with shock. My hands were still shaking and I felt sick. I couldn't tell Andy, not while he was away on tour. I'll tell him when he gets back next week, I thought to myself. For now, I needed my girls. I pulled out my phone, and dialed Ella.

"Ells, I know it's short notice, but I really need to come over. It's important, I'll explain all when you arrive." I hung up before she could protest.

Next, Sammi.

"Samm, I really need you to come over now, don't ask, just please come, Ells is on her way too." I hung up just like before.

I made myself look half decent before the girls arrived, which was quick, considering they lived 10 minutes away, they must of sped.

Hammering on the door, Ells and Sammi made quite the announcement of their arrival.

"I'M COMING, JEEZ DON'T BREAK THE DOOR OFF OF IT'S HINGES!" I screamed down the stairs.

I walked to the door and opened it, and the two girls fell into my house. 

"What the HELL is going on Ro?!" Both of them asked, sounded worried.

"Come on, I'll tell you once we've all sat down." I answered.

I led them to the kitchen, where the breakfast bar was. I had already made three coffee's. I gestured for them to sit, and they did.

"Well, what is it? Come on girl, spill." Ella said, picking up and burning her lip on her coffee in the process.

I didn't say a word. I just put the pregnancy test on the table in front of them and looked at them.

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Screamed Sammi.

"Get outta here!" Ella shouted.

"It's true guys. I'm carrying the future Mr or Miss Biersack!" I grinned with happiness.

But then my face fell.

"I don't know how to tell him though. I mean, he'll be over the moon, Andy loves kids. But, he'll always be away on tours."

"Girl, Andy will be over the MOON! You're keeping it right? I mean, she/he'll be bloody gorgeous, and talented! You guys will be great parents!" Sammie gushed. 

"I'm definitely keeping it. I would never get rid of my baby. Me and Andy are too serious to. I'm going to tell him when he gets home!"

Us three girls kept on talking till like 11pm, which was when they both insisted that I need my sleep, and that they'd let themselves out. I have the best girlfriends a girl could wish for.

 One week later.

I opened the door with a massive smile on my face. And smiling right back, was the gorgeous face of my boyfriend, Andy. His eyes glowed with happiness, and he dropped his bags and pulled me in for a long and tight hug.

"Baby I missed you so." He whispered into my ear.

I sniffled a little bit, trying not to cry, because the truth was, I had missed him so so much on the 2 month tour he had been on. It was only a short one, but I hated being away from Andy, it felt like a piece of me was missing whenever he went away.

"I made your favourite for dinner, you deserve it." I grinned.

"Your homemade pizza with extra cheese and bacon?!" He practically drooled as he said it.

I nodded in reply.

We walked in the kitchen in blissful silence and we sat down. I had just dished up as he got to the door, so the food was still boiling.

We sat down, and we got lost in deep conversation. How the tour went, how I had been, and just anything that came to mind. But it suddenly went silent.

"Ro, I need to ask you something. I mean, I know we haven't been together for long, but um, I, I was wondering if, you, would, erm, consider b-being my w-wife?" Andy asked, full of nervousness which was making him stutter, which was very adroable. Especially with his sky blue eyes.

"Oh Andy, of course," I cried, tears pricking my eyes. "I have news too. I'm pregnant Andy!"

"Oh Ro, thankyou," Then, he realised what I had said after. "W-what?! Really?! Oh my, Ro, that's amazing!" Andy shouted, tears also pricking his eyes, but he rubbed them before I could notice. Too late.

"Yes! I'm a month and a half gone Andy! I'm so excited, but scared at the same time." I explained.

Andy got up and came and cuddled me.

"Don't worry doll, it's perfectly fine to be worried and scared, but absolutely everything will be fine. I promise you." He reassured me.

I yawned, and Andy looked at me.

"You must be shattered. Anyone would think it had been YOU that had been on tour for the last two months," He winked. "Right then, let's get you up to bed missy." He picked me up, wedding style and carried me up to bed.

"Hey! I might be pregnant but I'm not incapable of walking up the stairs!" I complained while struggling, but Andy had an iron grip, without hurting me.

He placed me in bed, and got in beside me. He pulled the covers round us, wrapped me in his arms, and sung me to sleep.

The next day.

"Come on Ro, we need to start making a list!" Andy whimpered.

"What of Andy? I'm a month gone, we have ages yet!"

"Baby names, come on hun, humour me. I just want to get a list down of possibilities so it's easier to pick when the time comes."

"Ugh, fine." To tell the truth, I was fine with this idea, it sounded fun.

Andy scrawled down on a piece of paper,

Boys Names

Girls Names

and under them, he started writing down furiously.

Under boys, he had Jake, Blaze and Chris.

Under girls he had, Lorna, Blaze and Amara.

"Andy, all them names are awesome, but I think you know which one is my favourite."


"Yes." I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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