Chapter Five

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Rose's POV

The night of the date was here. It was Friday, and seven pm. A few hours ago Andy had come and told me to get ready to leave at 7, so after that I showered. Then came the gigantic task of doing my hair and makeup, and most importantly, what to wear.

I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped round me, and I padded over to my wardrobe.

I pulled open the doors, and looked inside it. I gasped. Someone had hung up a dress, a beautiful black one. It was a strapless one, with a zip up the front. It had a few layers for the skirt, and I thought it was beautiful. There was a note attached to it, in Andy's scrawl.

Hello Beautiful. Put this dress on, get ready, and I'll be waiting for you downstairs at 7. xx

I blushed, smiling at the thought of him. 

Woah, Ro, what are you thinking, you can't let yourself get involved with a rock star. He'll just break your heart.

I dismissed my thoughts, and slipped the dress on. It fit like a glove. Now was the task of hair and makeup. I went over to my curling iron, and put it on. I didn't like my hair curly, but I decided too make an effort. The curlers beeped, and I got to work curling my hair into loose waves. I sprayed at least half a can of hairspray onto it so it wouldn't fall out.

I walked over to my dresser, grabbed my make up bag, and went into the bathroom. I leaned over the counter, and applied my eyeliner. A thin line underneath, and a slightly thicker one on my eyelid. I flicked it out. For once, it worked. I then found a light red lipstick and applied it. Happy with how I looked, I puffed my hair up for a bit of volume and left the bathroom. I slipped on a pair of black heels that matched the dress perfectly.  I grabbed my purse, black cardigan and my camera, and walked down the stairs. I suddenly was filled with nerves, as I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I could hear everyone laughing and joking. Was I ready for this? Yes. I was. I forced myself to walk to the living room door and say,

"I'm ready"

I heard the room fall silent then a gasp.

Andy's POV

 A gasp slipped from my mouth. I was shocked. Rose looked absolutely stunning. Even more than usual. I stood up, straightened my jacket and walked over to her.

"You look stunning as ever Rose" I said. Her face glowed pink, and she just giggled. I gave her the red rose I had bought and she took it and twiddled it with her hands. 

We said bye to everyone and left. Before I shut the door, I heard Ash.


Then there was a loud thud. I chuckled. Obviously Jinxx and floored him. I held the car door open for Rose, her melodic voice rang out.

"Thankyou, you look very nice if I may say so too"

"Why thank you miss, same too you" I winked.

We drove to the restaurant, talking and laughing. She was perfect. 

I grabbed hold of her hand and held it as we walked into the restaurant.

"Table for two, under Andy" I said.

"Right this way sir" The waitress showed us too our table, and we sat.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked flirtatiously, leaning over towards me.

"No thankyou. I'm here on a date." I spat.

"Oh, well, if you get bored of her, come find me." She winked and walked away.

"Well, she was a whore." I heard Rose giggle.

"True, I'd rather be here with you any day gorgeous" I smiled.

We ordered our food and drink, and it arrived not soon after. We had comfortable conversation until it was time to go. We drove home, and let ourselves in. It wasn't particular late, but no one was up. I walked Rose to her door, kissed her cheek goodnight, and went to my room in a state of absolute bliss.

 Rose's POV

I went into my room and leaned against the door. I had had the best time tonight. Andy was a complete gentleman, and I loved him for it. My sides hurt from laughing, and my stomach hurt from eating too much good food. I got undressed, and got into my batman pj's and smiled, Andy would love these I laughed to myself. I decided to go see if Andy was up, so I slipped out of my room, making not sure to wake anyway. I rapped on Andy's door, and heard a quiet grunt. I accepted that as a 'come in' and opened the door. I was greeted with a sight of Andy curled up in his bed, looking up at the door with his big blue eyes. As soon as he saw it was me, a smile spread across his face.

"Hey Ro! You okay?" He said, patting the bed next to him.

I walked over to the bed and got in beside him, curling up into a ball beside him. He wrapped his arm's round me and pulled my closer.

"Hey Andy, I'm okay, thought I'd come see if YOU were okay." I giggled.

"Well, I'm alot better now your here" He whispered in my ear.

"And, also because I can't sleep" I whispered back.

Andy instantly started to hum a song, was it Carolyn? Or The Morticians Daughter? I couldn't quite remember what one it was, and before I could think anything else, my eyelids got droopy, and I fell asleep curled up with Andy's arm's wrapped round my waist, with his deep melodic voice humming in my ear.

A/N:  Thanks for reading! Please Vote and I'll update quicker!

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