1 | Arrival

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Vera woke up in a cold, metal box that felt like it was going at 100mph straight upwards. In the box with her were supplies, at least that's what she thought they were.

Slowly, she stood up, trying to gain her balance in the moving box. She was all by herself in the metal contraption which caused her to start to get scared. Screaming out, she banged my fists against the walls of the box, but it was no use.

No one could hear her.

Then, the box started to slow down, decelerating at an alarming rate. When it had stopped, she looked up to the ceiling as it opened to reveal a bright blue sky. The sun shone onto her face as she squinted to get a better view of where she was.

The box stopped swiftly which made her fall over. Looking around, She  saw no easy exit so she had to get creative. She grabbed a couple of the boxes and piled them on top of each other, allowing her to be able to climb out.

Vera stumbled over the boxes as she clambered out of there and into the open air, or so she thought. She glanced around the empty area. Well, it wasn't empty of buildings and mature, but there was no other life.

She walked over to the largest building in the enclosed space, trying to ignore the gaping grey walls surrounding her. Inside the building was a simple kitchen and eating area. Multiple wooden benches and tables were spaced out in the room, but no one was occupying them.

Up the stairs that were tucked away in the corner, was a fairly big room that was filled with beds. They had sheets messily thrown upon the mattresses and the pillows looked like they had been hastily placed on them. At the far end of the room were two more rooms: one of them being a separate bedroom with three beds in and the other being a what looked like a medical room.

She exited the building and saw a smaller one to the left of it. The inside looked like a horrible place to be. There was one window that was placed way too high up to be able to see out of. A slab concrete was coming off the left wall with a pillow on top, implying that the concrete was too be used as a bed.

Vera could tell that this building was not to be used as a sleeping quarters.

Moving on, she saw a set of empty paddocks which she thought to be quite odd at the opposite end of the enclosed area. Next to the paddocks was an empty building which looked to be about the same size as the smaller building next to the large one. The corner in between the large building and the paddocks had a load of empty ground. The other corner of the area had trees covering it.

After momentarily exploring, she decided to investigate the walls. There were 4 gaping holes in them, each in the middle of each wall. She went through the gap by the largest building, curious to see what was out there.

That was when she heard a god awful screech, one which pierced her ears. She dropped to the floor as she desperately held her hands over the top of her ears, hoping to silence the noise.

At that moment, she knew that she had to get out of where she was and ran back to the box she came up in.

Her instinct told her to unload the box, knowing that there'd be something she could use in there. After finding a set of rope, she started to empty the box by levering the crates out with the rope. In total, she pulled out around fifty crates full of various items.

Some crates had food, some had clothes and some had building supplies. Items she could use to build up the area around her to make it homely. Tucked away in one of the crates was a letter.

She made a decision to sit down in the large building to read the letter, but she wanted to take over a few of the crates of clothes with her, just to get them out of the grass. Vera grabbed a couple of the crates in her hands, placing the letter into the back pocket of her shorts.

Inside the large building, she sat down on one of the beds in the separate room, putting the crates on the floor beside her. She pulled the letter out of her pocket and started to read it.


You may not have remembered your name, but that's it. That will be the only thing the others will remember too, so make sure to get it out of them. It's the only information any of you will know.

You are in the Glade, surrounded by the Maze. Our greatest creation.

Your job? Get out. But first, it'd be wise to set up your living area before more arrive in a year's time. In three day's time, a box will be sent up with more supplies in, more useful ones.

Enjoy your new life, but don't get too comfortable.


Vera leant against the wall her bed was set against, taking shallow breaths. She'd be by herself for a year, setting up an entire camp by herself. Sure, the buildings were a good start, but the area she was stuck in, the Glade, was in no way ready for people to live in.

But she could see the sun starting to set which is when a weird noise occurred. It was a loud creaking sort of noise, as if an old door was starting to shut.

She looked out the window, keeping an eye out to see what was happening. Quickly, she spotted the walls of the Maze changing and she dashed out of the building running up to them.

The gaps in the wall weren't in fact gaps, but doors. Doors that seemed to shut at night. The noise got worse when she saw a metallic ball hurdling towards her, producing the same screech that she had heard earlier.

The thing came towards her, but the doors shut before it could get too close. She took a few steps backwards, wary of what had just happened.

"Bloody hell." She mumbled. "That thing is going to cause me a load of grief."

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