27 | Friends

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After showing the boy the Griever, Newt and Vera left him to get a moments peace. He had screamed horrifically when he saw the monster, scaring Vera slightly. It didn't take her long before she took a hasty exit to get away from him. Newt tried to follow after her, but she freaked out when he touched her and he knew it to be best to leave her alone. Instead, she went to go and find Bark who had spent more time with the animals than with the Gladers.

With Bark was Wilbur, Daisy and Poppy. Being her favourite animals, Vera had forbidden any harm to come to them and insisted on looking after them herself. She crawled into their separate pen and placed her legs out for them to climb on top of. They were definitely too big to still be doing it.

Gally came to sit beside her. He didn't speak, but instead only stroked Bark's head. The dog loved Gally and curled up into him at any given moment.

"I heard that you don't like the Greenie," mumbled Vera, pointedly not looking at him.

"I've seen him before," was all Gally replied with.

"In the Changing?" she questioned.

"Yeah. He put us in here. I don't know why, but he did," he told her, looking over at her.

"I saw a girl in mine. She kept calling me Sage. She looked like me and was scarily familiar. I just can't place her face. Is it the same for you with the Greenie?" she turned to look at Gally.

He sat there quietly, thinking and hardly moving. His eyes were back to staring dead ahead and his hand was in a constant motion of giving some attention to Bark. Vera knew the look on his face. She knew it far too well.

"His name is on the top of my tongue. I know it, but I can't reach it. Do you feel like that with that girl?" he asked.

"Exactly like that. I know her. I know her so well. But, it's like I don't know her at all..." Vera trailed off.

"Via. This kid is bad news. I can feel it. He's going to change everything," there was a sense of desperation in his voice, forcing her to take his plea into more importance than she would normally.

"I believe you, Gal. The others won't, you know that, right?" she smiled sadly, knowing that everyone else in the Glade would team up against Gally. Her head rested on his shoulder, needing the comfort of her friend.

"I know, Via. They never will," he said in return.

He went to look down at her when he realised that she had fallen asleep. With no way of moving her, he went completely still, terrified of waking her up.


She woke up in bed in a room by herself. No Gally. No Newt. No anyone. It was eerily quiet until Alby came bounding into the room.

"Time to take the Greenie out. Get your shuck face out of that bed or else I'll have Frypan make you into tomorrow's breakfast," he deadpanned.

"Jeez, no respect for the leader. Better start appreciating your job or you may lose it," Vera retaliated.

"You wouldn't dare," he said.

"Oh, why not, Alby? I'm in charge. I can do whatever I want done. If that means bye bye to you, then we can quite quickly arrange it," she grinned, getting up out of bed.

He didn't respond to her, understanding that it was a good idea to remain quiet. He also knew that she was about to go and deal with the Greenie that couldn't stop asking questions. At least with the rest of them, they grasped the concept of keeping silent, yet this one couldn't keep his mouth shut.

The boy was certainly going to be fun for them to handle.

A/N: hi guys! this is a bit of a filler chapter today as i wanted to separate it out or else we would have almost gone straight into meeting teresa. i also wanted to show more of Vera's friendship with Gally and Alby where they are polar opposites (and i can't lie, but i do love Gally so naturally i'll give him more time to shine).

hope y'all are doing well. eurovision is this weekend which is going to be hilarious to see the UK come almost last like normal.

stay safe,
love izzy :)

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