11 | The second Greenie

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A/N: brb, only about to cry because this story now has over 250 reads! tysm guys 🥺😭😭

Most of the boys had now been at the Glade for 2 months, with Winston just reaching his 1 month mark. Vera had remained shut off for a couple of weeks now, refusing to speak unless necessary, but still staking charge and making sure that everyone was coping well. Whilst she wasn't talking much, Newt and Minho went around the Glade as a couple of entertainers, joking around with anyone who needed it.

When the next Greenie alarm went off, it took Winston by surprise, but the rest of the boys became rather excited. They started placing bets on who it was going to be, what they looked like and how old they were.

They certainly weren't expecting a scrawny looking boy who couldn't be older than 13.

Vera jumped down into the box, her features relaxing slightly so that she looked more welcoming to him. He visibly calmed down except for the fact that his body wouldn't stopped shaking.

"It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you." Her voice was soft and she slowly tilted her head to the side.

"Who a-a-are you?" The boy stuttered, retreating away from her.

"My name is Vera. I'm in charge around here. What's your name?"

"I don't know it." His breath got caught in his throat and he started to panic again.

"Hey, hey." Her hands went up into a surrender position. "I promise I won't hurt you. Just let me help you get out of here."

Hesitantly, he held out his hand and allowed Vera to pull him up. Newt stood at the edge of the Box and grabbed the boy, hoisting him into the Glade. The boy looked around in awe, his eyes falling immediately onto the walls.

Once Vera had gotten out of the box herself, she guided the boy over to the Homestead, Alby and Newt following after them. She got Frypan to pass them some cookies and she nibbled hers whilst Alby talked to the boy.

Alby starts off on a lecture about the rules of the Glade and how the boy could die if he didn't follow them. He then proceeded to be bluntly truthful, making the poor boy shake with fear once again.

"Alby, leave the poor boy alone. He's the new Greenie after all." Vera mumbled. "Let's just get him settled in. We'll put him with Clint for now as he's one of the more empathetic ones."

She left them alone once more, needing the quiet of her hideout. Though, she probably couldn't call it her hideout as all of the boys knew about it, but they had learnt to leave her alone whilst she was up there.


That night, Vera once again didn't sleep in her bed. She stayed in the pen with the baby animals, Wilbur curled on her lap. Wilbur was starting to get a little too big to sleep on her lap, but she could hardly care. Daisy and Poppy had positioned themselves on either side of her and the new born chicks were nesting in the hood of her jumper.

As she slowly started to doze off, she heard a set of quiet footsteps approaching which jostled her out of her daze. The boy who was approaching was Newt of course.

Newt had noticed Vera not coming to sleep in the Homestead for the last 3 weeks. He didn't want to question her at first due to her always being there in the morning, but now it was starting to affect her mental state. She hardly got any sleep which made her more shut off and agitated.

There were a few instances where she and Gally almost fought before Minho had to step in to stop her. Whilst Newt thought that Gally often deserved it, he couldn't bear to watch her go down that path. So he decided to follow her after a few nights to see where she went and he found her in the Blood House pens.

He didn't disturb her then as she was sound asleep, her breathing even and her face looking almost peaceful. But he had to check on her again properly.

"Hey." He whispered once he was close enough for her to hear him.

She didn't verbally respond, but she nodded her head to acknowledge his presence.

"That's Wilbur, isn't it?" He asked her, looking down at the sheep curled up in her lap.

Again, Vera nodded, withdrawn and tired of the conversation already.

"If you want me to leave, then just say so." His voice broke a little, almost as if he was hurt.

There was a long stretch of silence, so Newt went to leave, heading out the door and into the darkness. Immediately, Vera felt the absence of his presence and longed for him to come back.

"Wait." Her voice croaked out, causing Newt to turn around and come and sit down next to her and Poppy and Daisy to go find another place to sleep. "I'm sorry. I've been a right old slinthead."

"It's not your fault." He said. Slowly, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she flinched from the suddenness of his touch.

"I hurt you though." Vera's said shakily, she had no control over it as she melted in him.

Newt pulled her in for a tighter hug and her arms snaked around his chest. Wilbur snuck his way out of the embrace, not wanting to be stuck there.

Vera's whole body shook in the comfort of Newt's arms and she felt protected, safe. He kept whispering reassurances into her ear as she broke down. Her emotions had the better of her, but for once, she didn't care in the slightest.

"Don't leave me, Newt." Her voice was barely more than a murmur. "You can't."

Before he got the chance to reply, she drifted off to sleep in his arms, fully melting into him. He too started to feel his eyes droop.

"I won't ever leave you. That's a promise." He told her sleeping body as he fell into a calm sleep too.

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