34 | 'Sister'

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"I don't know who any of you people are," Vera said, panicking slightly. "Stay away from me."

Instantly, Gally and Newt backed away, exchanging horrified glances. The Creators had took the person they loved and removed all of her memories and stuck tubes in her. They were freaked out.

Vera looked at them for a moment before bursting out laughing, making the boys confused. She laughed enough to start struggling to breath, pressing a button on her oxygen tank to give her extra oxygen. Everyone stared at her as they waited for an explanation.

"You guys are so gullible," she chuckled, standing up. "I can't believe that worked."

"Not funny, Via," Gally groaned.

"I'm going to kill you," threatened Newt, his arms crossed and a look so deathly on his face.

"Come on, you love me really," she smiled. She wasn't entertained with a response.

The boys helped get her out of the Box, making sure to not get the medical equipment tangled up. They noticed that there was a backpack that the oxygen tank could be put in which would make it easier for her to go back to duties as leader - not that Newt was planning on letting her out of his sight any time soon. With her, came loads of small tablets and a note giving them instructions on what to do with it all.

She stopped on the way to the Homestead, hearing an irregular about of noise coming from the Slammer. Quickly, she walked over and saw Thomas crouched down and talking to himself. Newt and Gally were right behind her and ready to give a fake excuse for why he was there.

"What happened and why is the Newbie in the Slammer?" she queried, specifically talking to Gally who would give an unfiltered answer.

"Little shank decided to go into the Maze as they shut to help Minho and Alby who had gotten stung. Survived the whole shucking night and killed Grievers too," Gally answered. "Punishment for breaking the rule was 24 hours in the Slammer and then he's gonna be made a Runner."

"Who's idea?" Vera pushed. She was trying to pinpoint the one person who would have come up with it, assuming that person to be Minho.

"Minho said the dude should be Keeper of  the Runners," replied Newt, looking uncertainly at the Newbie.

Vera snorted, unable to control herself. "Sorry Tommy, but that is one of the stupidest things I 'ave ever heard."

"You ain't the only one," Thomas said back.

Sage, it's me.

"Holy shucking hell," Vera shouted, looking around to see who was talking to her.

"What?" questioned Newt, a perplexed expression covering every inch of his face.

"I swear I'm not going crazy, but a shucking girl just talked in my head," she said.

"I had that. It's Teresa - coma girl. Bit freaky that's she talking in our heads and not the others," Thomas shrugged as if it was no big deal. Whilst Newt and Gally looked completely scared for the leader's well-being, Thomas acted like someone talking in your head was an everyday occurrence.

Sage. This is our fault. We did this to them. Tommy, you and I. It was the only way to save your life.

"She's just done it again."

The sound of 'Teresa' talking in her head was an odd feeling. It was echoey, almost bouncing off the side of her brain walls. She had a soft voice, one that felt like it could send you to sleep, but there was a sense of urgency about it. It was like Teresa had to tell Vera more or else something catastrophic would happen.

We need to get out. This Maze is a trap. You need to be freed. I will not let my sister die in this place.

A/N: only 1 week until i finally turn 17 and the loki season finale comes out 😆

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